Its... True..

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After Elena left the tent it was already evening and starting to get dark. I was so tired but I couldn't fall asleep.  I decided to go take a walk around the woods. I grabbed my phone and ear buds and played Beautiful Mess by Diamond Rio and left.

As I was walking I heard weird noises. Yes,yes I am aware of the fact that when you hear weird and random noises you shouldn't go to them, I say that to myself all the time during movies and things like that but once it actually happens you just really can't help it. I made my way to the noises I stopped once I seen movement and hid behind a bush.

What I seen was so frightening. There were a few people by the looks of it they're guys. Two of them we're on the ground and it looks like they're eating something. I froze as I seen what it was is was.. a.. a..bear? When I snapped back to reality I went to turn around and there was branch and it whacked me in the face!

"ouch" I yelled

"What was that?!" the guys all said worried

Just then all their eyes landed on me. Uh oh! I took off running

"Zayn go get her!" one of the guys yelled

I was running through the woods. What on earth was that I thought to myself, it wasn't human I can tell that! No! Shut up brain! your distracting me! I need to run faster. I snuck a glance behind me there was no one there but then I ran straight into something or someone and we fell on the ground.

"Gee love thanks" the strange guy on the ground said

Man if I wasn't so scared of this guy and hadn't seen what he did I would say he's quite cute. He has dark brown hair with a blonde strip and is quite tan with a nice toned body.

"Awe thanks love" he said with a wink

Tf how did he know that?!

"I can read your mind love" he said as he stood up

while he was in the process of getting up I tried to make an excape for it. As I was once running again he was right in front of me

"ho.. how... how did you get there?!" I spoke nervously

"I have many talents love, no time to waste though we need to get back"

"Ba..back where?"

"Well I cant tell ya that now but you'll know sooner or later" he said smirking

"I cant just leave, I don't even know who you are!"

"Well I am Zayn of course. Zayn Malik" he said reaching his hand out for me to shake "...and your name is?..."

"Uhh Dana.. Dana Nicole Diedrich" I said reaching to shake his hand

"Gee don't be so nervous love I cant and wont hurt you I promise, you can trust me"

"One. how do you know I'm nervous and two. how can I trust you after seeing what happened back there?!" I said almost in tears pointing to behind me then in all directions because I'm unaware of where 'back there' is.

"Well one. look at your hands and two. I cannot answer that right now. Now c'mon we gotta go, the others are waiting."

"Okay can I at least get my things from my camp sight?"

"Sure love, I'll get e'm. Brb and don't go anywhere please" he said with a wink and with that he was gone

I looked around he was no where in sight. I walked to the nearest tree sat down and waited I was very tired. I was tempted to run but something told me not to. I should just stay here like Zayn said, not sure what will happen if I don't and I don't wanna find out

"That's a good idea love" Zayn whispered into my ear. I jumped as I realized he was right behind me

"God! Don't do that" I yelled

"Haha sorry, now we need to go. Jump on my back" he said

I did as he said and jumped on his back

"Might wanna close your eyes"

"Wh..why?" I stuttered out

Before I got an answer we took off running more like flitting thats what it felt like. Before I knew it we came to a huge house. Its white and looks old it has to have at least 3 stories

Its beautiful

why yes it is isn't it love

how are you in my head Zayn?

I cant answer that right now Dana

Well when can you?

Don't worry Dana the answers will come soon

~{Authors note ~~ hey guys sorry to interrupt just wanted to let y'all know that when the words are slanted that's when the person is thinking to their self and when the words are bold and slanted that's when someone else is talking to them through telepathy. Again sorry to interrupt and I'm sure you already knew that but js lol~~ byee!(:




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