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'You're going to be late.'

                I groaned and rolled over to face the wall, away from Lacey's voice. I share my dorm room with two other girls, Lacey Argent and Sidney Downes, an unfortunate girl whose nickname, by virtue of her real name, is Downes Sidney.

                'Or maybe Molly Townsend isn't the only one who has a crush on Mr Ross,' she added slyly, knowing that would get to me.

                'Rug muncher, not cock cruncher,' I snapped, sitting up blearily.

                'That was eloquent,' Lacey said sarcastically. 'You should be a poet.'

                I glanced over as she straightened her school tie, while Sidney examined her reflection in our one mirror. They were both already dressed in our official school uniform; knee-length checked skirts, white shirt, tie, and black blazer. Mine tends to stray away from the regulation more towards the gothic schoolgirl resurrected from the dead to rain doom down on her corporeal oppressors.

                Or maybe that's just how it is in my head.

                'What time is it anyway?' I asked flatly.

                'Eight-fifty five,' Lacey said smugly, watching in amusement as I groaned and hopped out of bed.

                'Crap,' I muttered.

                'I tried to warn you.'

                'I tried to exorcise you in your sleep last night but it turns out Satan birthed you and there's no redeeming your soul. Sorry.'

                With a tsk of impatience, Lacey linked her arm through Sidney's and they left me scrabbling under my bed for where I'd tossed my skirt the previous evening.

                Ten minutes later and woefully late for my first class, I trotted down the hall with my empty schoolbag thwacking against my back. I had to cross the quad to get to the science building but I was stopped by a shout as soon as I jumped down the front steps of the dorm building.


                I paused and glanced around before turning to see a diminutive figure leaning against the wall, smoking.

                'Do I know you?' I asked, raising my eyebrows. She had long blonde hair in the vein of Molly Townsend, but hers was bleached almost white, and her dark make-up was more reminiscent of me.

                'I shouldn't think so. I'm new.'

                'Oh. Well, welcome to Allexton. Where dreams come true,' I said flatly, making to leave when she spoke again.

                'I'm supposed to have biology right now,' she said, taking a drag from her cigarette. 'But I'm lost.'

                I blinked at her. It was misting and she didn't seem to be in a hurry to get anywhere. I shrugged. 'I'm on my way to the science building, I'll take you if you like.'

                She smiled before crushing her cigarette under her heel. 'Thank you.'

                I waited for her to close the few feet of distance between us and then started walking towards the science building again, in less of a rush this time.

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