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Monday marked the debut of our relationship to the rest of the school, as well as what I suppose you could call Molly’s “coming out”. As you can probably imagine, it was not without incident, and I have to take a large portion of the blame for that. I’m not sure exactly what Molly Townsend had done to me over the course of that weekend, but I was different. I was not just passionate, but affectionate. And I could barely keep my hands off her, even in public.

                I found her in the cafeteria that morning, queuing up with a handful of her friends for breakfast, and I know – I know – I should have let her tell them in her own time, but it didn’t even occur to me then. We’d spent the weekend kissing and cuddling and holding hands and it was like I forgot that this was so new for her. I walked right over, slid my arms around her waist and kissed her on the mouth, to her own “oh!” of surprise and the verbal exclamations of her friends.

                ‘Morning,’ she gasped when we pulled apart, breathless mostly from surprise, as it hadn’t even been that exerting a kiss.

                ‘Morning,’ I replied, slipping my hand into hers before we even became aware of the stares. I paused awkwardly, the reality of the situation rushing back all of a sudden, waiting for her to explain to her friends what was going on, but she didn’t; she just grabbed a packet of cereal from the counter and led me over to an empty table.

                ‘What do you have first?’

                ‘Uh...’ I glanced at her still-gobsmacked friends before returning my attention to my oblivious girlfriend. ‘History. What about you?’

                ‘Maths,’ she replied, wrinkling her nose in disgust. ‘But do you want to meet for break in the common room?’

                ‘Sure. Molly, don’t you want to maybe explain to your friends what just happened?’

                Molly grinned. ‘Why, were you testing me?’

                ‘No! No I just, you know... Got caught up. But maybe you should...’ I trailed off. ‘What?’

                ‘I don’t need to explain anything to anyone. I think what just happened is all they need to know, right? I’m not going to give them a play-by-play.’

                I paused, considering this. ‘Fair enough.’

                ‘I’ll get an “I love Ivy Greene” tattoo on my face if you like.’

                I blanched. ‘Maybe in a few years.’

                Molly grinned and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. ‘Deal.’


In typical fashion, Twitch’s absence that day only worked to make me more anxious than her presence. What was she up to? Had she heard about Molly and I? Did she care? She’d made it pretty clear she wasn’t the relationship type of person so you wouldn’t think it would make a difference, but I had the feeling Twitch was the territorial type and wouldn’t take kindly to my hooking up with Molly Townsend, of all people.

                My morning classes passed relatively quietly, except for the whispering and giggling I’d been expecting and was pretty used to anyway. Our school was the brand of conservative that tended to ignore anything that broke the status quo, rather than point it out, but I still heard my fair share of the word “dyke” being hissed behind my back. I wasn’t overly bothered. I had somehow managed to score the hottest girl in school. The closest these losers ever got to some action was making eye contact with boys across the aisle of the local church at Easter Mass.

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