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Molly narrowed her eyes suspiciously. ‘What do you mean?’

                ‘Listen,’ I said conspiratorially, even though we were alone in her room; and scooted closer to her on the bed. ‘I’ve been trying to think of some way to get back at Twitch by using her own methods against her; you know, finding out something personal and attacking her with it.’


                ‘But I’ve searched what feels like the whole internet and I can’t find anything on her. She’s a cyber-ghost. But if what you say about the school’s wifi is true...’

                ‘You want me to hack into the system and find her user history,’ Molly said, catching on.

                ‘And if you could also hack into her personal file while you were at it I wouldn’t be too upset,’ I added, pushing my luck.

                Molly shook her head, but there was a smile spreading slowly across her lips, her earlier embarrassment forgotten in the face of espionage. ‘That’s not actually a bad idea,’ she murmured, biting her lip as her brain ran through the kinks and possibilities. ‘Of course we couldn’t use our laptops because they’d trace it back to us, so we’ll need to use one of the computers in the library... But we’ll have to get someone else’s student ID number,’ she said definitively, looking up at me. ‘If we use our own it’s just asking for trouble.’

                ‘That shouldn’t be too hard,’ I admitted. ‘People leave their student cards lying around all the time.’

                ‘Right,’ Molly agreed, ‘but we’ll need to take the card and return it before they notice it’s missing. If they report it and it turns out the ID was used after they lost it there’ll be a big deal made of it and Twitch will get suspicious.’

                ‘Okay. Who’s will we take?’

                Molly raised one perfectly-shaped eyebrow and grinned wryly. ‘Who do you think?’


Which was how the next afternoon found us, on my free period and while Molly was supposed to be carrying out prefect duties, sneaking into the gym changing rooms like we were breaking into a high security bank.

                Twitch’s PE class had been in session for fifteen minutes, enough time to ensure the changing room would be empty by the time we got there, but we still both peeped through the glass window in the door to see that she was duly occupied.

                ‘Where is she?’ Molly murmured as we searched the tracksuited group of girls running laps around the basketball court.

                ‘There,’ I murmured back, nodding towards the bleachers. Twitch was sitting halfway up, by herself, wearing a black tennis skirt and t-shirt, smoking and looking bored. Her legs were crossed and somehow, as she turned to blow a plume of smoke into the air, she looked oddly elegant.

                ‘She’s quite pretty sometimes, isn’t she?’ Molly mused quietly from my right, and I scoffed.

                ‘If you like that sort of thing.’

                Molly blinked at me, bemused. ‘You’re that sort of thing,’ she reminded me.

                ‘Whatever,’ I muttered, moving away from the window and regarding the array of identical gym bags in the room. ‘Let’s just get searching for her ID.’

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