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Molly sidled up to me in the breakfast queue the next day and tried to slip me Twitch’s ID card.

                ‘Hey!’ I hissed, dodging out of her way. ‘What are you doing?’

                Molly gave me a scathingly sceptical look. ‘Well I’m not giving it back to her,’ she hissed back, aiming for my skirt pocket again.

                ‘Why do I have to do it?’

                Molly raised her eyebrows slowly. ‘Because I did everything else?’ she suggested. ‘I stole the ID card, I hacked her history and personal files, I-’

                ‘Fine, fine,’ I snapped, snatching the ID card from her hand and stuffing it in my pocket.

                ‘How are you gonna do it?’

                I shrugged one shoulder. ‘Like we said before, I guess. Try to slip it into her locker so she thinks she misplaced it herself. Even if she is suspicious that we took it, she can’t possibly know why.’

                Molly nodded slowly. ‘Okay. Good. Let me know how it goes.’ She paused, seemingly undecided about something, before finally asking, ‘Are, um, are you coming tonight?’

                ‘Every night,’ I answered on reflex, and she shifted her books from one arm to the other uncomfortably. ‘Coming where?’ I asked.

                ‘To the party. In the old gym?’

                I snorted. ‘Yeah right. Bad music, stale beer, and crap company. I’ll probably just hang with Mr Ross tonight.’

                ‘Oh. Okay. Well, see you later.’ Molly dithered for a second while I stared at her incomprehensively, then turned on her heel and walked away quickly.

                I found a table and hurriedly savaged down my cereal, then left the caf as surreptitiously as I could, intending to make a quick stop at Twitch’s locker before heading to class.

                The hallway was mostly empty with just a few first years loitering by their lockers; nothing to worry about. I slowed my walking and reached for the ID card burning in my pocket, not even planning to stop – just slip it through the air slits in the locker door and keep moving.

                ‘Looking for someone?’ a voice asked from behind me, and I ripped my hand out of my pocket in surprise.

                I quickly rearranged my features to look more bored before turning around to face Twitch.

                ‘Just someone to share my life with,’ I said sarcastically.

                ‘Cute,’ Twitch murmured, and I felt my skin tighten as her eyes scanned my body slowly, a smirk spreading across her lips. ‘Will we be treated to the pleasure of your company at the party tonight?’ she asked, her voice syrup.

                ‘Much as I love socialising with our class, I have other plans,’ I said, sounding sharper than I meant to and cursing myself inwardly. I didn’t want to make her too angry if she was a sociopath or a psychopath or a schizo or whatever.

                ‘Hm,’ she said, smiling slightly before moving forwards to reach past me, her body brushing against mine, to open her locker. ‘Pity.’

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