8: Five Dollar Phillip

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I couldn't sleep. Even though we spent the day doing things that brought us back to our peaceful childhood, dread washed over me throughout the entire day. Tomorrow we would become Dark Brotherhood assassins. I'm not really sure that I can kill anyone, at least not anyone who's never done anything to me or my loved ones. There's also too much pressure. What if I were to miss a shot? Would I be caught or killed or get my sisters caught or killed? It's too dangerous for me. I'll be the one to get us killed.
          My sister seem slightly less concerned than I. Well, I say that. I can see a frantic look in Gudrun's eyes. I know she has her mind only one thing. She tries to act excited, but the truth is that she's terrified that she won't get to see Theon again. I'll never understand why she sees in him, but I can tell she's extremely worried. Aside from that, she has to be slightly happy about this. Ever since we were young she wanted to be an assassin. I'll also never understand how one could be so calm about the idea of killing.
          This morning we were all awakened very early by our parents. They claimed that it was time for us to be officially recognized as members of the Dark Brotherhood. That meant that we would get to meet the rest of the family. I was shocked to learn that the path to the Westeros Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary was accessible through a hatch behind a false back panel in my parents wardrobe. The path was longer than expected, but not too terribly long.  It was also pretty deep under ground. It ended with a door that appeared to be made out of colored glass that projected a depiction of Sithis. It rolled to the side to make an entrance to the sanctuary.
Inside there were a few people doing different things. I wasn't too fond of meeting new people, so I avoided eye contact to the best of my abilities. The stone walls were covered in our banners and stone carvings of the five tenants. I did admire how much room there was, and the amount rooms made it feel like palace.
"This is the sanctuary that was being built while we were living in King's Landing," Mother explained, "We were finally able to move to Winterfell when it was completed. The hidden construction was extremely complicated to complete under everyone's noses."
"Well I'd imagine so," said Gudrun, "So what'd you do? Build our house first and then build the sanctuary downward?"
"Yes actually. Are you three ready to meet the family?"
"We aren't exactly 'people people.'"
"You're all heart, Gudrun."
We were approached by a tall man with a long black braid. His eyes were glowing orange, and his sharpened smile could probably kill a man. I remember this kind from back in Skyrim. They were vampires.
"Hello my new sisters," said the smiling man, "Welcome to our little family. We've heard quite a lot about your skills."
"Girls," began my father, "This is Aldon."
          "It's a pleasure to meet you. I already know who each of you are. Ingrid, the strong one with the blue eyes, Gudrun, the small red head who can practically turn invisible, and Ireonna, the beautiful archer."
          Aldon grabbed Ireonna's hand and kissed it. She quickly jerked away and failed an attempt to hide her absolute disgust. He tried to do the same with Gudrun and she stepped away before he could. He then looked at me. I gave him a death stare that told him to back the fuck off, and it worked.
"I apologize for my older brother's weird ass behavior," said a man who had sneaked up behind us, "He can seem a bit shady at times."
This man was obviously a blood starved Vampire. You could easily see it in his dark red eyes. He looked so dead, so pale, and so strange. He wore the black armor that that a typical vampire from Skyrim wore. Appearance wise, he was short, pale, and had somewhat long hair. Judging by the way he sneaked up behind us, his fighting style was much like Gudrun's, typically a rouge style associated with nightblades, assassins, and obviously vampires.
"Little brother," said Aldon, "Do you not have anything better to do than insult me?"
"I have plenty of other things to do," replied the other vampire, "But none of which are as fun as insulting you."
"Oh Azel, how painfully awkward you are around new people- always result to making me look bad to take attention off of yourself."
"Not exactly the case. I just think it's fun to point out how awkward you are around women. It's fun to see how they always find you odd. They always make that face..."
"Ladies," Aldon addressed us, "In case you haven't noticed, this is my younger brother Azel. He may seem like an arse, but he's a damn good silencer."
"I noticed your armor," Gudrun mentioned to Azel, "Does this mean your a vampire from Skyrim?"
"Indeed," Azel answered, "My brother was a part of the Volkihar Clan under Harkon. He was able to be turned into a vampire lord, and in turn he turned me. Our sister wanted to be a pure daughter of Coldharbour vampire. Are you familiar with what that means?"
"Doesn't it have to do with some strange ritual where girls offer themselves to be fucked by a daedric prince until they turn undead," Ireonna answered, "It's one of those myths put into place by Daedric Prince believers."
"Do you not believe in Daedric Princes?"
"Of course we do," Gudrun explained, "There's no other logical explanation for the Oblivion crisis as well as the existence of vampires, werewolves, and dremora."
          "Well, most people here in Westeros don't believe in any of this sort of thing. It could've rubbed off on you."
          "We haven't been here that long. Our roots are too deep in Skyrim to wither so quickly."
          "Good, I had hoped so. I feel that the original ways of the Dark Brotherhood of Tamriel isn't so in place here. Your parents, my brother and I, and Vesper are the only ones who originated in Tamriel. Everyone else here has this Westerosi way of life and style of combat. Well, aside from the Speaker from Akavir, but she doesn't talk much. Ironic isn't it?"
          "When will we meet the rest of the Family," I asked.
          "In time," Aldon answered, "In time, my lovely."
          "As of now," my father began, "The three of you are free to continue your day to day life in Winterfell when you're not training. However, we may have a surprise for you very soon."
I hate to admit it, but this has been wonderful. I'm extremely excited for this surprise and the training and everything else about it. I never thought that I would consider it so awesome. Does that mean that I'm fucked up in the head?

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