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CHAPTER 5: a portal

THE RAGE THAT SHOOK Roma was so quiet that even Kai was unnerved. All the hateful words that Bonnie had spat at him were ignored as he stared and wondered where her sudden hatred had come from. She didn't even face him. She couldn't. Roma felt like the fool. After all, she should've known by his psychopathic traits- like father like son. She wondered if he knew or helped with what his father had done or even remembered her. It was a mistake to so carelessly tell him her name, in a world full of snakes.

"I'm sorry Damon, but we're going to have to find another way out. We are not letting him out!" Bonnie cried indignantly.

"Look Bon Bon, I don't care. I just want to get out of here,"

"How can you not care? Maybe because of all the horrible things you've done? Maybe because killing a bunch of kids isn't a big deal to someone who's murdered a pregnant woman?" Bonnie squared down to Damon who had a distant look of regret in his eyes as she waited for her answer. "Am I wrong?"

This prompted Damon to go into a spiel about how he killed some pregnant lady a couple years back which frankly, Roma could not care less about. Even Kai seemed interested, which wasn't much of a surprise seen as he just admitted that he carved up his siblings- this should be right up his alley. All Roma could do was stare at Kai and attempt to not hit him. Or do worse. It was a very anti-climatic story with people such as Zach and Stephen and Roma had no idea who they were.

"Okay, can we go back now?" Damon pleaded quietly.

"Oh come on, Bonnie. You want to go back home to your friends, I want to go back and give the rest of the Gemini Coven an excruciating death, win-win!"

Damon stepped closer to Bonnie and the desperation in his eyes were clear as he spoke, "I know this guy isn't a model citizen, Bonnie, but I gotta get back. Not just for Elena but for my brother."

"I'm sorry, Damon."

"Well, sorry doesn't work for me," Kai said before reaching for Bonnie's arm- but before he could, Roma grasped his wrist and shoved him back, surprising everyone in the room as they'd kind of forgotten she'd existed at that moment.

"Shut up," she growled quietly. She had a headache listening to them argue and come to no solid decision.

"Kai, if you ever lay a finger on me-" Bonnie began, but Roma cut her off too.

"I said, shut up." She said this with such a final tone that not even the serial killer, nor vampire, nor witch began to speak.

"Since I, I assume, am the only one who hasn't killed someone here," she paused for a moment to allow Bonnie to contradict her- she did not. "I believe I have the high moral ground. So, I will make the decision whether we stay or we go." Again, no-one disagreed with her and Roma thanked God that her voice didn't shake or else they wouldn't even be listening to her right now. "As much as I believe Kai is a filthy, psychotic little pig, I want to go home even more. So Bonnie Bennett, I promise if you take us out of here, I will make sure Kai doesn't harm another person in his life."

Everyone stood in silence for a minute or two, after which Bonnie nodded tersely then walked out. Damon let out a sigh of relief before walking to some other part of the house.

"'Filthy, psychotic little pig,' huh? I've never heard that one before," Kai said with a little grin.

"Go away," Roma muttered, irritated simply by his prescense.

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