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CHAPTER 8: threats

IT WAS SLIGHTLY UNNERVING FOR ROMA to wake up and be bound tightly to a chair by ropes. This led her to a number of questions- how did Kai carry her out of the tunnels? Did he not siphon her when he touched her? How was he okay with touching a dead body- actually, that one was self-explanatory considering that this was Malachai Parker. Also, she felt strange but in a good way; the side effects of death most likely. She felt fresh and alive, not groggy like one would after a short nap.

It came to her attention that they were back in the Salvatore boarding house and Kai was nowhere to be seen. She could leave now, grab her backpack with the pieces of the ascendant still in it (which was sitting on the couch opposite) then go find Bonnie's blood which she hoped hadn't dried by now. She could get out of the ropes easily, right? She was practically a witch after all. The main problem, however, was that she didn't have any magic in her and she couldn't feel her knife that was usually strapped to her leg. So, she was left with the alternative- struggle with the ropes till she could free her hands.

"There's no use, you know." Kai's voice made her snap her head up quickly, watching the boy lean casually against the doorframe. "I've tied you up tight."

"Kinky," Roma drawled, making Kai smile slightly.

He stalked forward, grabbing the poker that Damon had been threatening him with a few days ago. He waved it dangerously close to Roma's face, making her shiver slightly. She knew she couldn't die but the pain was to be dreaded.

"Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to ask you questions and you're going to answer all of them or I will stick this right between your pretty eyes. Yes?"

Roma didn't reply but met his gaze with her own steely one, letting him know that she was to be reckoned with. He continued on anyway, taking a seat in the sofa opposite her.

"Question number one: why did you try to escape with the ascendant- you know Bonnie is the only one who can use it so why did you take it?"

"It was shiny."

The corner of Kai's mouth tilted up out of amusement, but this contrasted his action of placing the poker at the base of her throat. Roma tried not to gulp in fear but she really didn't like the thought of being impaled. Neverthless, she settled for a passive look. "Try again, sweetheart."

"I told you; I thought it'd make pretty jewellery."

Kai thought for a moment before he turned away from her, and she caught a glimpse of his jaw tightening in anger. Then all of a sudden, he turned around with a wicked grin, making Roma feel at unease.

"My, my, magpie," he said cruelly, walking towards her. Before she knew it, he had grabbed her throat and was putting small amounts of pressure on it, his face so incredibly close to hers. This was only effective in delivering a threat. "That is not how you play this game."

He squeezed harder for a couple more seconds, eventually letting her go and she took in short, breathy gasps. He stood back and watched her, most likely relishing in her uncomfort. "Need I repeat the question again?"

He was met with silence. Kai Parker rolled his eyes at her stubbornness, deciding then and there that the only way she'd be willing to give some answers was by a little blood and pain- and he was more than willing to play that game.

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