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CHAPTER 6: home

"WHY ARE YOU BRINGING THAT?" Roma asked, referring to the bow and arrow Kai carried with him, worried that he could shoot her and leave her for not-technically-dead.

"This? Oh, that's for protection."

She scoffed in disbelief, remembering him drain Bonnie's magic yesterday night and incapacitate Damon. "You're the one threatening us, we need protection from you."

Roma was talking about the collective 'we'- if she faced him only with hand to hand, she may not win but with her knife and her magic, she could bollock him. Also, she couldn't die so that was a bonus. She really had nothing to be afraid of, but Kai, he just radiated malicious intent.

"True," he replied with a wicked grin, throwing the weapon into the bushes nearby. "Happy?"

Roma didn't reply and carried on walking, eager to not miss the eclipse today. She wanted to go back to the world and stab Joshua Parker multiple times- in a non-psychotic, non-Kai way of course. Purely for revenge and retribution and not thrills. Although, she was sure it'd be exhilarating to feel Parker's magic flow through the blade and then through her veins, showing that he had lost and she had won.

It took only a few minutes to arrive at the clearing where there was now a large hole in the ground. Like a really big hole. Plenty of room for three bodies if a certain serial killer decides to entertain himself. Of course, he couldn't and he wouldn't- but Roma had no time to dwell further on these thoughts as Bonnie confronted the two, getting all up in their faces.

"Where have you two been? Nevermind, I don't care. Kai, give me the spell."

"I will, all in due time." He was clearly stalling now, weirdly so.

"No, now. We're not going anywhere till you give us the spell," Bonnie demanded, Damon showing his agreement by nodding whilst he rumaged through the backpack Kai had brought back with him.


The boy had shoved his hands into his pockets, standing there with a victorious smirk. The other three waited but after a few seconds, it was apparent that none of them were going anywhere.

"Are we literally not going anywhere?" Damon asked, dropping the bag.

"Hey, careful! My brand new pager is in there." He smiled widely at Roma who had placed her hand on her head, preparing herself for her oncoming headache. "555-HIYA-KAI, no way am I giving those digits up."

The witch shut her eyes briefly and inhaled sharply, trying to keep her cool. "Fine."

"Let's go back to the house," Bonnie said, causing everyone's eyes to widen. "Or better yet, Kai, take my magic. That's what your big threat was, wasn't it? You'd take all my magic, leave me for dead and escape? Do it."

The other three stared at Bonnie's outstretched hand, Damon visibly panicked over Bonnie's outrageous offer. "Bonnie," he hissed, in an attempt to warn her.

"Uh oh, someone's being brave," Kai snickered in a sing-song voice, though Bonnie remained undeterred.

"Take. It. All."

Kai stared at her (and though no-one noticed it, he's eyes showed a second of worry) before grinning and moving forward. "Don't mind if I do."

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