Chapter Two

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Draco's POV

After Harry kissed me, I was conflicted. My stomach had this weird feeling and my chest.. My chest felt like it was tight, like I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what was happening but what I do know is that I can use this to my advantage. Harry's feelings for me can be persuaded to make him do things that I want. Like what he was hiding. There was something about him that wasn't right. And what was with that scar on his head? I needed to find answers and the only way to do it is to use Harry's feelings for me.

I search in the heard of students for him to slip him a piece of paper with a meeting time. I find him in the crowd, shoving through to secretly pass the note to him. I quickly move out of the crowd, slipping away before he could try to speak to me. But to be fair, he left me after our little interaction. So if one of us didn't want to talk it would be him. This was probably going to go incredibly wrong and we'd end up kicked out of Hogwarts. I'd just have to play my cards right and manipulate Harry before this idiotic plan goes too far.

I make my way back to my dorm, wanting to sleep away the day's happenings. I lay in my bed, trying to sleep but for some reason my mind kept drifting back to that kiss Harry and I shared. I couldn't get the way they felt against mine out of my head... How soft yet firm they were. I shake my head, pushing the thoughts out of my head. I had to meet him in the morning and I couldn't miss it. It took much more effort than it should have to push him out before I was able to fall asleep.

Waking up, I bite my lip as I realize I have to meet Harry soon. I get ready, still thinking about the kiss. I clutch onto the sink counter in the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror. I tell myself to stop thinking about him and run through the plan in my head.

First, I'll keep him interested and play this little game. I'd have to make sure I don't let him see my intentions. I should probably work on my facial expressions so I'm not always sneering at him. I shouldn't let myself get too into this, though, because I don't want a mess erupting and ruining my plans. If it gets too close, I'll have to figure out how to push it back without him being suspicious. Which may prove to be hard since the bloke is actually quite clever when he wants to be. I'll just have to outwit him.

Second, I needed to gain enough trust so he could talk to me without so much as thinking about it. Once I have that trust, I could ask the questions. I would have to be careful with asking, I'll need to word them perfectly. If he gets suspicious I could distract him or change the topic. And once I have the information that I need, I could dump him on the side of the road. The git will get over whatever heartbreak I bring to him. He is Harry Potter, after all.

I make my way to the Room of Requirements, sitting on the couch once inside. It was five minutes before our assigned meet time and I was becoming nervous. Why? I've done worse things, why am I suddenly nervous now? I couldn't think straight, only thinking of Harry's ugly mug. I couldn't even rehearse the plan in my head. I bite my lip, bouncing my foot as I try to switch thoughts.

"Malfoy," Harry spits from behind me, his voice stronger than how I feel about this stupid plan. I take a deep breath and turn around to look at him. The kid had his dark hair a mess, somehow making him attractive. What? No, shut up. I shake away the thoughts and rise from the couch. Harry was a few inches shorter than me so I had to look down and he up. I move towards him, his hard expression unfaltering. His body language showed nothing that said my plan was going to be easy. This is going to be much harder than I thought, isn't it?

"Potter," I move closer, stopping so we were mere inches apart. Even this close he wasn't squirming. He's somehow changed since yesterday. Does he know my plan? No, that can't be. I'm the only one that even knows of it. I reach out and place my hand behind his neck, using my other hand to hold him on the small of his back. I pull him to my body, his expression barely changing but not softening. He was just as hard-headed and ignorant as ever. I lean down so our lips graze as I speak, "I wanted to know, Potter. What is it that you want? I want to know exactly what it is you want me to do."

"This," he pulls me down into a heated and semi angry kiss. I could feel his hatred towards me but there was something else there. He carefully tugs on my lower lip, making me hold him even closer. I move my lips against his, meeting the rhythm of his. His hands firmly grasp my hips, holding me close before he shoves me away. I look into his green eyes, my body turning cold as I see the gaze he holds. "What about you, Malfoy? What is it that you want?" I feel a cold shiver go down my spine at his words, my body being frozen. Does he know?

I stand there in silence for a while longer, unsure of what to do. Do I answer him and tell a lie? If so, what lie do I tell him? Maybe I can answer by kissing him. Surely that wouldn't work, would it? I reach out and grab onto his hand, slowly entwining our fingers. I could see Harry with a skeptic look on his face. I step closer to him, wrapping and arm around his waist and pulling him to me. I gaze carefully into his eyes, "More of you," I say and lean down. I kiss him gently, my stomach jumping into my throat. I didn't understand why my body was acting so weird with this. I'm sure it's nothing.

Harry slowly lets his hands run up my arms before sliding behind my neck. I deepen the kiss slightly, pulling Harry against my body. When he was pressed against me like this... it felt... nice. Comforting and almost like I was at home. It didn't feel wrong at all. I push Harry up slightly and he jumps, wrapping his legs around me. I lose my balance for a second before regaining it, carefully bringing us to the couch where I sit down with Harry straddling my lap.

I feel him shift slightly, his hands now gripping onto my shoulders. He deepens the kiss, biting my lip gently. He runs his tongue along my lower lip, asking for entrance. I allow him access, his tongue darting inside my mouth. He presses more against me as our tongues battle for dominance, his winning. I could feel my heart beat faster, my mind clouding over as the only thing I feel, the only thing I think of is him. Just him. His body pressed against mine, his hands gripping tightly on my shoulders, and most of all his kiss. Merlin, the man could kiss.

He pulls back, resting his forehead against mine. He breathes a few times before he leans back, looking down at me now. His green eyes seemed to shine, his cheeks slightly flushed. I subconsciously reached out and let my hands travel down his sides until they rested on his hips, my gaze following. I pull his hips towards me until his body was pressed against mine again, my eyes wandering up his body until they met his green ones. We kissed gently again before he gets off and walks out the door.

I look after him, confused and mind racing. When I realized that I had actually enjoyed that episode, I shake my head in disgust. I remind myself of the plan, pushing the images of him out of my head until I was OK to head out to the Great Hall. Whatever happened in that room will never happen again. I don't know how he took control like that but I'm going to make sure that it was the first and last time it happens. I'm taking control from now on. I have to if this plan is going to work out. He won't even know what hit him when I'm finished.

Bouquet of Knives Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now