Chapter Nine

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Harry's POV

     As I'm walking to my dormitory, I hear Hermione's voice calling out to me. I turn and see her running towards me, a look of concern on her face. Or was it sadness? I greet her and she holds up a finger, finding her breath before standing up straight.

     "Harry... There's something you should know about Draco," she starts. She presses her lips together as she thinks. I watch her carefully, my heart beating in my throat. "He... he's been using you."

     "What?" I laugh, unable to believe her. Why would Draco use me? If he wanted to use me, he wouldn't have stayed for so long. Not to mention the times we've had. He wouldn't have willingly done that if he didn't have to. I'm not even sure he'd do it if he'd had to.

     "You must believe me, Harry! I heard him talking to Blaine!" Her eyes held anger but also sadness. I get the feeling she isn't lying about it. I watch her silently, my heart racing as my breath quickens. "He said that he's been planning on-"

     "Shut up," I say quietly. There's no way this is true. It can't be. He seemed like he was actually interested in me... Like he truly cared.

     "Wh-what?" She stumbles, brows knitting together as she looked up at me.

     "I said 'shut up'. He wouldn't... There has to be some other piece that you're missing," I explain. She looks at me sadly and I felt my heart break. There was a sliver of hope left that I intended on saving. There had to be a misunderstanding, right? That's the only explanation. I look at Hermione before turning and going to my dormitory. I laid down and willed myself to sleep, saying I'd deal with the problem in the morning.

     I didn't get much sleep. In fact, I'm not sure if I slept at all. I was so tired I nearly forgot to put on shoes before walking out of the dormitory. I shuffle down towards the Great Hall, making my way towards the table to sit between Hermione and Ron. Hermione must have told Ron about what happened because he looked at me with sympathy. I still didn't want to believe that Draco would actually plan something like that. Have cruel intentions behind his affectionate acts.

     "How you doing, mate?" Ron asks as he watches me carefully. I look at him before looking down at the food in front of me. I didn't have an appetite. Something told me that today was going to be a very bad day. How could I eat when I felt so horrible? I look up and catch eyes with Draco, the look in his eyes only proving Hermione right. I felt the air get ripped out of my lungs and I slouch in my seat, putting my face in my hands.

     "Harry?" Hermione nudges me gently.

     "I... I... I need some air," I say and get up from my seat. I walk out of the Great Hall, leaning against the wall outside and sliding down until I was sitting on the cold ground. I lay my head against the wall, breathing deeply to keep myself from losing it. I hear my name being called by a soft voice. A soft voice that used to give me butterflies but now pains me to hear. "What do you want, Malfoy?" I spit at him, looking up to see him with a sneer. Well, at least he's back to the old Draco, right?

     "You really should have known better, you know," he starts. I look up at him with furrowed brows, confused eyes. "I mean, I only wanted to get answers to the questions I had," he shrugs. I stand up, staring up at him with a hung jaw.

      "So you're really just a maggot," I say in disbelief. I couldn't believe it was actually true. I didn't want to. But he just said it. Draco Malfoy himself.

      "No! I'm no such thing, how dare you-"

     "Can it, you manky prick!" I close my eyes to recollect myself before looking up at Draco with pure hatred. This was the last time I'd let him ruin my life like he has. I was foolish to think I had loved him. Foolish to even hope he cared for me. "This will be the last time you ever cross me. If you so much as attempt to cross me, I will make you wish you never came to Hogwarts," I bite before shoving passed him. I walk back inside the Great Hall and sit down. Hermione and Ron looked at me with furrowed brows.

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