Chapter Fifteen

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Both men will be adults because I'm too lazy to create more chapters on Harry's return

Harry's POV

Draco wanted me to meet him at the park near the lake. He said that it was important and I needed to meet him, not a minute later and not a minute earlier. It was a really nice day to be out, the sun out and not a cloud in sight. I walk down the street towards the park, greeting people as I walk by them. Even though I'm twenty-four now, I still felt eighteen. It didn't seem like I was an adult, that I truly graduated from Hogwarts and was living my own life with my boyfriend of about seven years now. We have our own house and living with him had tested my patience but also proved my love for him.

I walk onto the grass of the park, seeing the blond haired man sitting on the edge of the cement wall. He looked out upon the water, his legs dangling over the side of the wall. He looked at peace, a gentle peaceful smile on his face. His fingers tapped gently on the cement. I walked towards him, sitting beside him and looking out across the lake as well. I watched the birds swim along the surface, occasionally diving and resurfacing. There were birds above the water flying in circles and squawking as they flew.

"You're late," Draco says flatly, looking at me with soft eyes. He hops off the edge of the wall, holding out a hand and helping me down so I don't slip on the mud.

"By what, two seconds?" We walk down along the lakeside, hand in hand. He kept his gaze in front of us, the smile never leaving. Faint as it was, it was still a sight I love seeing whenever he smiles. "It's a nice day out, isn't it?" I look around, seeing a couple of birds down the lake fighting over something.

"Yes, I would agr-" Draco's words were cut off by me slipping on the mud, falling backwards like in the cartoons with my feet flying high in the air and my back hitting hard on the ground. I grunt once I hit the ground, hearing Draco laugh instead of help me up. Instead of asking if I was OK, he was laughing loudly. His head was tossed back in laughter and he was still cackling when he reached out to help me up. I grab onto his arm, trying to get my balance as I stand up until my foot slips again and I go falling backwards again only this time bringing Draco tumbling down with me.

He slips and falls over me, face first into the mud. It was my turn to laugh instead of asking if he was OK, looking at his mud covered face when he lifts his head up. His blond hair was covered in mud as well, though the back of it was still blond. Even through the mud I can see the scowl on his features. I scoop a handful of mud in my hands and slap it on top of his head, rubbing it around in his blonde hair. His jaw drops as he stares at me, unsure of what to do.

"Potter!" He shouts at me, trying to get up and attack me but slipping in the mud. I scramble to my feet, struggling to find balance but running away once I do. I can hear the shouts and curses Draco spews as he tries to stand up but keeps falling down. "Come back here and help me up, you twit!" I turn to see him standing with his arms out for balance before slipping and kicking his foot up into the air, falling back. I laugh, hard enough that my cheeks were aching and I could barely see through the slits of my eyes. "Potter, stop laughing and get me up or so help me I will end you!"

"Anything for the princess," I say as I help him to his feet. He glares at me, pulling me down into the mud with him. When I roll over to see him, he slaps a handful of mud into my face. Some of it got into my mouth, the taste awful. He tackles me, pinning my wrists on either side of my head.

"I will always win, Potter," he smirks victoriously. I flip us so I was pinning him down, smirking as I look down at his shocked face.

"Malfoy, you'll never beat me," I lean down and kiss him. Despite the mud covering both of our faces, his lips were still soft. Muddy, but soft. I get up off of him, scraping off the mud. "You said-" I'm cut off by my breath escaping me when a chunk of mud was thrown at me, hitting me hard in the back. I cough to get my breath back, turning in time to see Draco tackle me down. He gets up, plopping two pounds of mud onto my chest, ripping my air out again. I hear him cackle above me, seeing him standing a foot away. I reach out and pull his leg out from under him, seeing him fall onto his back with a thud.

"Why can't you just let me win?" He coughs out as he slowly sits up.

"Because then there'd be no challenge for us," I say and move towards him, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. It sounded gross because of all the mud we're covered in but it wasn't bad. While kissing him, I grab a handful of mud and slap him across the face with it.

"You prat!" He shouts and scoops a large handful of mud. He goes to throw it at me but I quickly push his hands back, making him slam it into his own face. I fall backwards in laughter, quickly getting to my feet and slip-sliding my way behind a rock to hide behind. Draco shouts my name, holding a handful of mud as he turns in circles trying to find me. I chuck a handful of mud at him, getting him on the back of the neck. I duck behind the rock, clamping my hands over my mouth to hold back the laughs. "Potter, come out!"

I wait until he turned again before I tackled him down into the mud, holding him down. I smile down at him, looking into his eyes and seeing so much passion it was almost overwhelming. He seemed so much happier and today especially. I lean down, kissing him softly. He was still the same prick from school but he was my prick. He had moments when he'd be sweet towards me but anything that ends with a winner, he holds no mercy and tries everything to win despite always losing. The man was just a large child, especially when it came to losing. He'd sometimes pout until he "won" at something, which usually meant that I let him win.

"Marry me," he says once he pulls away, looking at me. I was shocked by his offer, unsure if he meant it. Did Draco Malfoy just ask me to marry him?

"What?" I mumble out. My grip on his wrists loosened and he moved to reach my face, his thumb running along my bottom lip. It removed the mud from it, his eyes following his thumb as he did so.

"Marry me," he looked at me and I could see all of the words he couldn't put into sentences. I smile widely, nodding like a child offered candy.

"Of course!" I attack him with kisses, feeling his arms encircle around me and hold me close. Eventually, we started to walk back home. It was very awkward to move because the mud had dried, making our clothes stiff. The mud on my face dried and if I made any other expression than a frown then it would crack and pull at the hairs of my stubble. The mud had crumbled into dirt in my shoes and pants, making it extremely uncomfortable to move. But we showered when we got home and by showered I mean we used the hose in the backyard to get rid of all of the mud. I took our clothes to the washing machines in the garage, walking by Draco in the kitchen.

"I'll make us a nice dinner tonight," he says as he looks at me. I stop, turning to him with an eyebrow raised.

"You can't cook," I state as I hold the dirty clothes to me. Draco pressed his lips in a line, looking at me with annoyance.

"Neither can you," he snaps with a sneer. "Mind I remind you when your bacon crumbled into ashes once it hit the plate," he turns his nose up as he turns to pull things out of the fridge. I huff, stomping into the garage and doing the laundry. I was going to be married to that, I thought as I put the clothes into the machine. And it was going to be a happily ever after.

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