Chapter Eighteen

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Draco's POV

Harry came home with the stuff we didn't have that we needed for the potion, the book beside me as I had the items all out in front of me. He kisses me as he hands me the ingredients, walking behind me to get something from the kitchen. He comes back, wrapping an arm around my waist as he bites into a sandwich.

"Why must you always be eating?" I snap at him, rereading the recipe a third time before starting to put all of the things into the bowl. His hand lowers to my butt, his fingers pinching. "Potter! I am trying to focus, go do something until I need you," he laughs and walks away. The git was purposely being annoying and I wanted to slap him. But I needed to focus on this potion so I don't mess it up. I mumble as I say what I'm doing, following the directions. "Harry, come here I need you."

"Thought you wanted me to leave you alone," he says as he bites into his sandwich. I lean in and kiss him as I pluck a hair from his head. "Ah! You wan-"

"I'm done with you, you can go now," I shoo him off as I refocus on the potion. I put the last ingredient in and stir counterclockwise before stirring once clockwise. The potion turns a green colour, a shade of lime green. But duller. It was smooth but it smelled like absolute death mixed with skunk. I gagged a little but called for Harry while I was standing off to the side, away from the stench. He walks into the kitchen and immediately walks out. "Harry! Come back and drink this!"

"It smells like death, no!" He argues as he stands on the outside of the kitchen. His nose was scrunched up and he looked at the potion like it was poison.

"I didn't do all that work for nothing, you're drinking it," I order and he looks up at me with a sneer. He walks towards it, scooping the amount needed into a vile and staring down at it. "Well it isn't the plague, on with it," he takes a deep breath and downs the liquid, gagging when he pulled the vile away. "Well?"

"It tastes like a gym sock!" He shouts as he puts the vile back and leaves the room. The book said that the effects would begin in five minutes. Which was good because Harry and I had a lunch date with Ron and Hermione in forty. I cleaned up the potions, hearing Harry yell.

"I can't hear a bloody word you're saying," I call back as I finish putting the rest of the stuff away. Harry walks in and he looks down at his body.

"Nothing's happening," he states. I look at him, frowning.

"I guess it didn't work," I look sadly at him before replacing the mood. "We'll just try something else later," I turn back to clean out the viles and bowl. I feel arms wrap around me from behind, stopping to put my hands over his.

"We'll figure it out," he says before letting go. I finish up the mess and walk to the bedroom to get dressed, putting on casual clothes. Of course, my version of casual and Harry's version are completely different so I still looked nice while Harry looked like a laid back stoner with his hair such a mess.

"Why can't you dress nice," I reach up to smooth his hair out but it sticks back up.

"I dressed nice for our wedding, isn't that enough?" He looks up at me with large green eyes, that stupid grin on his face. His glasses reflected the light behind me and was shining into my own eyes. I groan, moving him to walk out of the bedroom.

"I suppose," I grab the car keys and turn to see Harry buckling his belt. "Ready?" He looks up, his stubble growing out some. He looked much more manly than I did but only for the reasons he had facial hair and larger muscles, I had the height. He nods and we walk out of the door, heading towards the restaurant down the block. We meet Hermione and Ron in the outdoor table section, joining them across the table.

"Hey, mate," Ron greets Harry and simply nods at me. He still hated me but not as much as he did in school. Hermione likes me now that I'm married to her friend but I could tell she still didn't trust me.

"How've you two been?" Harry asks as he takes a seat, smiling. He was always so happy around his friends and I'm still trying to get them to like me. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to, however. They seemed set on hating me or at least not trusting me. Even if I was married to their best friend. I didn't think I had a chance to get them to like me. It was damn near impossible.

"Draco!" Hermione grabs me out of my thoughts, my focus going back on the group.

"Are you alright?" Harry asks as he looks at me with concern. I could tell he thought I was upset about the potion not working. Though I was a little upset about the whole thing, that wasn't what was wrong. But I didn't want to tell him why, that'd seem childish.

"I was only thinking," I say.

"Well, I asked you a question," Hermione says.

"And what was that?" I looked at her, seeing her face change from annoyed to more concerned.

"I was trying to ask if you had any ideas about the baby thing," she looks at me.

"Oh, um... I haven't any yet but I'll think of something," a waitress comes and brings the food. She hands me a sandwich that looked less than appetizing but it was food and I was starving.

"Harry..." Ron says with a soft voice, almost a scared one.

"Hmm?" He hums and I look up from the sandwich I was eating and saw Harry with a pair of perky breasts on his chest. I choke on the sandwich in my mouth, ripping my eyes from his chest.

"You have breasts, mate," he points at Harry's chest. Harry looks down with horrified eyes, watching as his hips filled out into more rounder ones, child-bearing ones. He looks at me and his face changes to a smooth, womanly version of himself. His hair was the same length, however, and still messy.

"Guess it worked," I mumble as I run my eyes along him.

"Well don't check me out!" Harry swats at me, forcing me to look into his eyes. "Do... Do I look OK as a woman?" He asks, his high voice full of worry. He had just changed from a man to a woman and the first thing he worries about is his appearance.

"You look hot," I say with a smirk as he swats at my arm. He turns to Hermione, who says the same thing. After talking about his new look for a while, we all go back to eating and chatting about other things.

"Why are they small..." I hear Harry mumble to himself. I look over and see him looking at his chest, holding the C sized breasts in his hands before letting them slap on his thighs. I lean over so only he can hear me speak.

"I like them that size," I look at him and kiss him. His lips were much softer than before and they were more plump. The four of us continue to talk, Harry occasionally mumbling about his new appearance. We say goodbye to the Weasley's and leave back home, Harry bouncing his breasts in the car. "Can you not play with your breasts while I'm driving? It's distracting."

"I wonder what se-"

"No, we're waiting to see if anything goes wrong with your body before we do that," I state. I didn't want my husband- er, wife to die or anything so I wanted to make sure that he was completely safe before we try to do anything. Wait. Do I call him "her" or "him"? This was going to be confusing...

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