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So do you think he'll come over?"
We sat in yoongis studio. One he had apparently started renting, on top of his shared apartment with V, just for the purpose of having his own place to create music in.
"I don't know hyung. He sounded down" he raised an eyebrow at me, his eyes growing a tad "you can tell through text?" Of course I could, Taehyungs attitude over the phone was typically overly cocky and perverted, which had suddenly turned 180 degrees.
Now he sounded like an depressed teenager, who were trying to get attention by sounding cold and vulnerable, "really hyung?" He just shrugged his shoulders and returned to working on a song. I had only known Yoongi for a couple of days, but I liked being with him, he didn't say a lot, didn't smile a lot, only if there really was a reason for it. But I felt content being in his presence, knowing I could talk to him if I need, but that it was just as okay to just sit, and mind my own business.

It had been way over an hour, I was disappointed, felt low, and suddenly felt the strong urge to be alone. I always give myself to high hopes, for everything, keep saying that of course this or that will happen, or this person will come. Like now, I wanted to believe so badly that he would come, but here I was, almost 2 hours later, getting up from Yoongi's couch and slowly, lazely taking on my jacket ''Give him some time, Kook. He'll come around'' I did manage to hear the faint 'i hope' he whispered to himself, and lost my hope all over again.

Taehyung knew I didn't have a lot of friends, and my hope for him to come today kept clinging on to that fact, the he knew I needed someone to talk to. but it isn't often I find good things happening to me, well at least not the ones I really wish for to happen, ''yeah. I'll see you around Yoongi-Hyung'' he murmured a goodbye, before I left the room and went to the front door. The rest of the tiny space he rented was mostly empty, a mini kitchen with a lot of drinks to keep himself hydrated, and instant noodles to keep him feed, to some extent. The rest was white walls, shoes scattered around the floor and jackets hanging on the back of the door, almost making it disappear.

''Bye!'' I yelled once again, and swung the door open after putting on my shoes, I took a step forward, but crunched my eyes together as I could feel an impact coming, the black just noticeable before I prepared myself, and I stopped in my tracks, just in time apparently, because the impact never occured.

He was breathtaking, honestly speaking, beautiful. His long bangs covering his eyes, before he swiftly jolted his head to one side, leaving one eye free from hair, it was messy, but in some perfect styled way, he properly spent too long on. His clothes were big, but somehow suited him, even though it made him seem smaller. There he was, in all of his glory ''Tae..'' I croaked, my voice suddenly hoarse, still shocked.

''Hi Kookie'' his voice still so deep it traveled down my spine, marking it's way down, making sure to send along shivers. I didn't know what I had expected a cocky, young, wild and free guy, smiling down at me, or smirking in some kind og sexy way. But he looked so sad, so burnt out, so conflicted, it took some of his glory away.

suddenly my blood started boiling, my disappointment growing so large it was hard for me to control, I hated when this happened, it was a problem, I didn't know what to with, often being told to count to ten and take a breath, but I rarely even made it to 3 before my face would turn red and my mouth would take over, not allowing me to control it any longer.

''WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!'' I screamed at him ''WHY DIDN'T YOU COME SOONER!?'' my cheeks felt wet, but I wasn't sad, it was anger, it was the feeling of being led down. The guy who so badly wanted to meet me, didn't come. until 2 hours later, where it for some reason, felt like it didn't matter anymore, it felt too late, unnecessary.

''Stop yelling, Jeongguk'' there he stood, still like a statue, folding his arm slowly, looking at me with a look telling me to stop acting like a child, ''NO! TELL ME WHY? DO YOU EVEN LIKE ME!?'' his face was pure chock, he felt every single meaning and feeling behind those words, they couldn't be mistaken, they were clearly showcased in my words, and he looked away, just for a second, before screaming back at me ''YES I LIKE YOU, OKAY??!'' at this point I did hear Yoongi coming out from his office, staring at us in shock, not fully understanding the situation, and to why we were yelling at each other, but he didn't know everything, every conversations, every detail of feelings, Taehyung  and I had poured at each other, careful not to leave any hint behind that those feeling may or may not hold, some kind of love on them ''GOOD BECAUSE I LIKE YOU TOO!'' I yelled back, my throat feeling scrubby, like sandpaper. And it hit me that I liked someone I didn't actually know, someone who right at this moment showcased his boxy smile, in front of me, showing no case of anger or anything else, other than happiness and surprise ''So who are you really, I mean.. you know?'' he looked back at Yoongi grinning, who still stood in disbelief to the whole situation, ''angel to some, demon to others''. 

Don't give up on me - JJK & KTH (complete)Where stories live. Discover now