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Growing up, you'd think I would be resentful towards my family. My 8 siblings did what they wanted and my "parents" either abused me or didn't care. With all the crazy things my life has been doing, it truly is amazing I haven't given up yet. There has always been a reason I stayed, a reason I didn't just leap off a cliff the first chance I got. What that reason is, many have asked.

I just can't tell anyone though.

Moving on from my horrible imagery ramblings, there were some great moments. I have had the same best friend for the past 13 years, that has to count for something. I got kicked out of the small town of Salem, my hometown, at the young age of 16 and it was for something I had no control over. I couldn't live in my house anymore so I resigned to living in the underground, where the rest of my family was.


I forgot to mention this. The strange thing is, I haven't blurted it out yet. My mother was something rather interesting. When she passed, I was the interesting. Of course that might not mean anything. Might seem insignificant, but my mother had handed the crown to me, leading to a series of events that happened every generation.

I became the Queen of a type of Demon

Strange to think a human could do that, yes? Truth is, I was never human. Well I was, but not in a normal sense. Not the "I was human and they bit/cast a spell/ insert cliche character changer here" sense. I had died 20 years prior. I was born again, as a Demon. My human life was a horrific mess. I was the happiest thing alive when I died, even at the small age of 18.

To think I would miss it.

Luxury has a cost. Not always a bone jarring job or digging into the dirt for info. This cost was different, yet it happens more often than you think. My cost for this luxury, for the amazing life that came with this crown, was my freedom. I couldn't leave the underground. It was frowned upon for doing things myself. I watched my best friend go into a war day after day, no indication that he would come back.

It was stressful and unfulfilling.

I decided that it would be fine, to put the Queen, the most important person in our society, in the battlefield. Almost everyone else disagreed. I wanted to help, to not feel useless everyday. They put me on medic duty. It was fine, not my first option but at least I could be an asset to the team. That is, until I broke somebody's arm. It wasn't that I had gotten into a fight, I was placed away from the enemy. As I was healing and doing normal medic things, somebody tried to cop a feel.

He regretted his decision moments later.

There was the potential, that I could fight, that I was strong enough. Our four-star general thought I couldn't handle the heat of battle, but he gave me a chance and I became his apprentice. I, instead of learning to fight, became a servant to his every need. Of course I had some fighting experience from growing up, my siblings got into trouble too often to remember all accounts.

The only struggle was my final exam.

The Demon final exam was something all apprentices feared. You would face your mentor in a one-on-one fight. Either they would give up, or the mentor would have to be slain. A cruel system for a cruel world, seems fitting.

At that moment, it is nothing but fear.

I was treated like a rag doll. Tossed around like I wasn't an equal being, like I was bug that needed to be squished. With his foot on my head, he pointed a gun at my head. His intentions weren't friendly. He would've loved to have my head mounted on his wall. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, someone stopped him.

He was the best thing that ever happened to my life.

Greg, my best friend, decided that killing the Queen wasn't a smart idea. It was a small distraction and it allowed me back to my feet. I don't see fighting as "jump in head first" however there is nothing wrong with that plan. I see fighting as "study your opponent and don't be afraid to take damage."

I won, yet I caused horrible bloodshed.

The next thing? My coronation seemed to be interesting. I wasn't Queen until after my exam. Just as the crown was placed on my head and I was about to recite the generic royal promises, the world shifted as we were invaded.

It is true what they say, Demons and Angels don't get along.

There was an army, at least 70, and they were violent. They ripped children away from their parents, created orphans or one-parented children. That is when the army started fighting back, the swords slashing and the constant ring of gunfire. I wanted to leap into action but our new head of army kept me back, his arm placed in the way of my path. Normally, I would have given him an earful for not letting me through. This was different. It was a new experience, getting used to my best friend actually being the boss of my in some aspect.

The attack was no longer than 10 minutes.

Greg turned to me, making sure I was okay and not hurt. I had to remind him that I wasn't even in the fight. His face turned a little pink as he responded, letting me know that no matter what happened, he would always worry about me.

Things continued as normal.

I got my crown, my rank changed. I replaced the generic speech with my own personal promise, ensuring the survival of our species. People looked at me like I was insane, that my promise of pacifism and peace was impossible.

They were probably right, but I can't back down now.

Overthrowing the council was fun. They were created in case the Queen, and or King, was busy with something else, the council will deal with it. However, they changed their views, pushing themselves to be higher ranked than the royal family. It caused a lot of pain and strife.

The fight reduced our population from 5000 to 200.

This nation was mine to control and I was going to make sure that they would never have to go through the pain and struggles of war. It was heartbreaking to witness such a large amount of death. But it was a needed step to help push the society to peace.

Being Queen wasn't what you'd think it would be.

There was an apparent tradition that the highest person of the royal family got an addition to their body. It made whatever body part more advance and...I guess you could call it unique.

I was brought to a small room with a chair in the center, I found by ramming my toe into the legs, little straps on the arms and legs to bring struggling to a minimum.

It brought back some horrible memories.

I sat down, eyeing the counters and the strange liquids that were flowing through glass pipes. As my hand glided across one of the pipes, a liquid bubbled at me. My escort grabbed a needle, the small tool making a little clink noise, his eyes scanning me up and down. I felt uncomfortable, feeling his gaze on me, but I fought the urge to slam his face into the dirt. He approached me, cupping my face in one hand, and aimed the point towards my right eye.

However, there was a wall of golden hair blocking his view.

My view has been blotted out for the past 12 years, at the time at least. He brushed my hair to the side and pressed the sharp item into my eye. A jolt of pain spread through my body, my entire being twitching from the discomfort. I felt the liquid pushing itself in and he pulled the needle away. A slight blur filled my vision and, after a minute or two of blinking, I could see the room clearly.

I had a love-hate feeling toward this new augmentation.

He lead me out of the room, a long hallway filled with twists, turns, and stairs. I recognized our location after a moment and I made my way to the front door of the castle. Outside, Greg was waiting for me, getting up off of the throne.

This is where our story begins.

Losing everything I thought I once hadWhere stories live. Discover now