Meeting Yona

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Chin-Sun's PoV

~In Kija's Room~

    "Don't wear that! Wear the traditional white and blue outfit!" Kija yells at me. "How about a white and blue maid outfit?" I ask him about to go dig in my closet to find a white and blue maid outfit out of the giant pile of maid outfits when Kija grabs my shoulder."Why do you even want to wear a maid outfit? You're a legendary Dragon warrior with the dragon in your left hand and dragon magic flowing through your veins! You are way above a maid!" He yells at me." I know that. But you're saying it like you're telling me that I can't become friends with m-maids and servants(I really hated to call them servants they are just human beings trying to earn a living.)" I tell him turning around so I could face him.Glaring, but I have to look up because he's probably a whole foot taller than me. "Why do you have to be so tall. You being so tall is a disadvantage for me." I say pouting."It is a disadvantage. Because whenever you try to look intimidating you look like a kitten instead." Kija says looking down at me an evil glint in his eyes. "But it also means I can do this!" Kija suddenly starts tickling me and we both fall over, Kija still tickling me."Stop...Stop Oh My.. Gosh... It tickles stoooooop!" I yell in between laughs. I keep yelling at him until he stopped tickling me. Once we both got up and I brushed my now tangled hair Granny came in. 

    I zoned out when Granny came in because it was mostly about how Kija needs to get married and things like that. I was in my own world until Granny brought something up about interesting people that the village finds interesting.  "Intruders? Chin-Sun and I will get rid of them immediately. It is our job to protect this village. Let's go Chin-Sun." He calls to me as I grab my battle fan. (I don't use my magic and dragon hand because it would be easier to surprise my enemies if they don't know all my tricks. hehe.)

    Kija-nii and I walk out of the building to cast our "judgment" upon the intruders. When we got to where the intruders were I saw a boy with strawberry blonde hair although he did look like a girl, he looked about my age but probably a year or so older(Chin-Sun is 14). There was a tall man that resembled a gorilla with a Hsu Quando and a cloaked figure. Kija-nii called out to them. The cloaked figure turned around their hood falling off, showing crimson red hair. When she turned around my brother fell to the ground in a kneeling position. His hand had burned marks on it. I didn't feel anything but I could hear in my head a voice. 'King Hiryuu has appeared before you. Love him and protect him with your life. Your journey begins here and the memories of your past will soon be restored to you.' The voice said in my mind.  'The memories of my past? does it mean like... my past life. The... life I had before I was born into this body?' I shrugged off the last sentence for now. I looked at my nii-san to find him kneeling on the ground. "Oi. Kija-nii are you okay?" I ask kneeling beside him. " Y...Yeah, I'm okay." suddenly the girl who is apparently the reincarnation of King Hiryuu runs in front of my brother asking if he's okay.  "Master," Kija-nii says looking up at the girl. The girl and I look at him."Master?" we both ask confused. (Chin-Sun forgot about the voice in her head.)

~Time skip (because I'm lazy)~

    Kija-nii and I walk to the front gate where everyone is waiting. "Oi. Why are you bringing her?" Gorilla man, Who I now know as Hak asks. " Well, she is the silver dragon, of course, she has to come," Kija-nii says in a matter of factly way. Hak, Yona, and Yoon look at Kija and I"Silver dragon? I thought they'd be in another village." Yoon says putting a finger on his chin thinking. Yoon was about to speak again when Hak butt in. "Silver Dragon? Her? She doesn't look like she can do much of anything." Hak says. Yoon looks at me then at Kija. " In the story, it says she can use magic, is a master of every weapon, and her left hand is a dragon hand." He says pointing at my left arm. "Yoon there is nothing there. She's probably just useless like White Snake." Hak says in a bored tone making me angry at him. "I'm not useless(a White Snake)!" Kija and I yell at him enlargening his hand. as mine turns into a dragon hand also enlargening as we both go to swipe at him. He ducks dodging both of our swings. "With aim like that you're both useless." I sigh not wanting to deal with this. "Let's just go." I hear Yoon say. My hand turns back to normal as we walk away. 

    "What's both of your names. All we've been calling you are white and silver dragon?" Kija and I smile at her.  "I'm Kija and this is Chin-Sun. My little sister." Kija introduces us. " WHat little sister?" I tune them out as I think to myself. 'Today I will have the adventure I've been waiting for!'

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter of The Little White Dragon! Until Next Time! Byeeeee~

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