Blue Dragon: Part 2

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~Chin-Sun's PoV~

We've been to multiple towns that Yoon believes that the Blue Dragon could be in with the help of Kija-nii and I. But we have yet to find the Blue Dragon. As I look at the little group I'm in I notice that Kija-nii was looking very depressed. And I believe that it is because he blames himself for not being able to make it easier for the princess. "Kija-nii! Come over here, I need to talk to you!" I watch Kija-nii as he walks towards me.

~ Kija's PoV~

I here Chin-Sun call me over to talk to her. ' She's probably disappointed in me for not being as helpful as her and making it hard the Princess. I walk over to her head down as we go farther into the forest. We continue walking in complete silence until Chin-Sun stops walking and looks at me. " Kija-nii you..." I look away from Chin-Sun not wanting to see the disappointment on her face "Why do you look so sad?" she asks trying to get me to look at her. "Is it because you believe you are useless for not making it easier for the Princess?" I look her in the eyes. Her blue eyes were swirling with emotions I couldn't recognize. "I... I'm supposed to be here to help the Princess but I'm not making it any easier for her. She wasn't trained for this and because I'm being so useless we're just walking in circles. You're more useful than I'll ever be." I tell her. When she doesn't answer I look up to see her looking at me with a calculating gaze. "...What?" I ask.

" It is true that we are being led in circles because of the fact that you can't pinpoint the exact location of the other dragons... But I can't either. I'm not giving her an exact location on where the dragons are my directions are just a little less vague than your directions are so you don't have to feel like your the only one being useless. And I'm sure the Princess thinks that you're not useless." Chin-Sun says. I look at her surprised at what she said. We both stood in silence it starts to rain.

~3rd Person PoV~

The soothing sounds as the rain creates a beautiful melody slowly casting the world into a deep slumber where the only thing you can hear is the music the droplets make as they fall from the heavens. The two stay in their spot admiring the beautiful melody nature has assembled for them. They were gone for hours and before they knew it, it was night and they were both drenched in water. The first one to break out of the spell mother nature cast on them was Chin-Sun, looking down from the night sky she sees her brother looking at the stars. "Kija I think we should head back they might be worried about us... And we're sooking wet Yoon will be mad since he just washed these..." Chin-Sun says trailing off thinking about the trouble they will be in. "Yeah..." Kija replies as they both head back.

Our heroes have now found where the blue dragon is hiding and are about to encounter this silent ball of cuteness and his fluffy friend Ao :3

~Chin-Sun's Pov~

"This place is giving off bad vibes guys... Bad vibes." I say slowly backing away as I sway trying to stay awake as I shiver feeling them bad vibes. "Well, we're going to have to go in their if we want to find the other weirdo Shrimp." Hak explains. We all walk in the dark cave while I hold onto Yoon's sleeve. "Why are you holding onto my sleeve?" Yoon asks confused on why I'm using him as protection and not my brother. "Besides the longer you hold onto my sleeve the more it seems that Kija's going to kill me." I look up at him and answer his question." Well, it's because your mother and I feel like you can protect me because you have a protecting and motherly aura, you have all the qualities to be a mother. You're a good cook, you can tell people what to do like a mother, you've got a lot of more qualities that can say that you're a good mother. But the most important of all is that you are a woman."







"I AM NOT A WOMAN!!!" Yoon yells at me and hits me on the head. "Ow! I'm sorry Mother! I I mean Yoon... hehe." Yoon glares at me as the others in the group laugh at Yoon because I called him a woman. " I'm very forgetful Yoon I forgot you were a guy because you are very feminine looking." I tell him giving him a sheepish grin. Yoon was about to say something when he was interrupted by a weird man in a mask with two other weird mask people beside him. "It seems we have visitors. What brings you here?" The old(?) man asks us "Bring us Seiryuu and tell him that our master is here!" Kija-nii yells at the old man. "I think that was a little bit too straightforward..." Yoon says. "I'm sorry but there is no one by that name here." Kija-nii was about to talk again when Yona interrupts him. " I see but do you have a place where we might be able to stay we have injured people so we need to rest." Hak opens up his robe... cloak thing to show his wounds. "Exhibit A." I say while pointing at Hak. "Exhibit B," I say pointing at Kij-nii. "I'm not hu-" Before Kija-nii could finish his sentence I elbowed him in the stomach making him bend over. " Now you are." I say with a blank expression. 'Sorry, Kija-nii!' (' 'are thoughts)I don't really know why I did that maybe it was because I thought it

"Well we don't have anything too luxurious but we can provide you with a small room. And don't wander around it's like a maze in here, we won't be responsible for any casualties that might happen." The Old Chief Mask Man told us as we got to our room...thing?

Episode 3( Blue Dragon: Part2)


And now we are at the end...

We haven't even gotten to see Shin-ah yet and we're on Blue Dragon Part 2. SO FRUSTRATING!

Well, Shin-ah will definitely be in the next one probably...

Anyway, thanks for reading see you next time on The Little Silver Dragon!!!


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