The last breath cpt.1

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Alaina grace POV
I'm going to college at the moment with my best friend Sarah. I go to a college in nyc but I used to live in Florida with my family. My parents went to travel after I left for college.I still talk to my parents their like my best friend.I love them so much I don't know what I would do with out them.  In two weeks I'm going to visit my mom and dad I love them so so much.

Sarah and I decided to go to the little coffee shop down the road on our way to college.

We walk in and we order our coffee.well I ordered a blueberry muffin and an ice coffee.You can not get me away from food if you ever want to make a deal or anything food is it.

We wer walking out the shop when I ran into a hard chest I looked up " I'm so sorry" as I was rushing out he grab me by my arm and smirk "it's okay doll" he said I started to tremble and got pulled by Sarah I saw him smirk then we left out the shop

" what was all that about" Sarah said "I-I don't know" I said  "well we're about to be late we need to hurry if we're late you're buying  dinner"!!!I said to Sarah she laughed and then ran fast
Time past by.....
"Well your buying"!!I told Sarah  as she was taking out her wallet so she can pay for the pizza and coke

We watched Netflix and talked about girls stuff then study. I got tired and walking to my room into the shower.I took off my clothes and walk-in to the steam shower. I let the hot water relax my muscles and left my mind blank.

I got out and finish with my teeth and put clothes on . I was about to lay down until ring ring ring!!I got up and answer my phone " hello" I asked I herd loud breaths through the phone "hello well thanks for waking me you you fool!!!" I said through the phone and it I hanged up .I called my mom since I'm up already and talked to her for hours then I went to sleep.

Jason POV.
Finally I found her!!I've been looking for her for years until she moved.she is so beautiful her arm was so soft. I wish I could hold her longer until that bitch had to ruined the fucking moment!!.

When I first looked at her I new it she had to be mine. I fucked so many girls for her replacement. I herd the phone ring ring ring!! I answer it "hey we found her she at her house and all the lights are off" said one of my men's "lets go and get her"as I hung up I grab my gun "well we taking a trip let's get going" I said with a smirk
and left with my men .. soon she will be mine ......

So I changed it up a bit what do you think is it bad good ig well I hope you enjoy it cause their will be a lot more to come to

The last breath ((now editing the full chapters so reread it ))Where stories live. Discover now