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Alaina pov.

It's been a two days I've been here two days without going out side two days since i seen my room mate and two days since I call my parents.

Jason been giving me food here and their but I asked him when I can go home but he would just leave and come back home late at night but I don't know why he brought me here in the first place anyways

I've been trying to find a way to escape believe me I broke a window and I almost made but not very far into I get knocked out these stupid hot ugly sexy beast that won't give me a break

I try to break the door down I even try to sneak attack on one of his men so let me tell you how that turn out okay here goes a little story

I woke up from my nap cause I need my energy well anyways I hear some noise out side the door "hehe game plan bitches okay okay I'm just going to go to the bathroom and take the curtains and put it in the toilet hehe he's going to get it" I said " okay okay so let's get this part stared" I start to walk to the door and it open oh my god it open so I open it slowly and this big piece of meat is standing in the door way wow now I get a protected so I what I did next was......

I threw this nasty curtain on on us head while I jump on us back and put  it over is face while I punch and kick and chocked him with it

I jump off his back a bolted but luck little me they were different if fine piece of meat at the doors damn how many is guarding the doors here

Since I don't know their names I'll just name them. Hummm let me us ouuu this one will be called steaks he has brown curly hair and light blue eyes and damn those veins in his arm hit Jesus  okay Alaina calm down

"Hey you steak"I said he looked at me confuse " yup I'm talking to you steak now let me leave it I'll kick you where the sun don't shine and then I'll stick my foot up so far in you ass where you won't be able to sit down for the next year" I said he looked at me with a smirk damn he so fi- wait a sec he smirk at oh tell no and like I said I kicked him

But be before I could do anything else I see some men tuning but one caught my attention but next thing I'm I see is the damn dark and I past out ..... damn welp to to dream about some nuggets and donuts

Hello their thank you thank you ik ik it's good hahaha jk Yelp I want to have a special thanks to someone for helping me and I really from the bottom of my heart thank you 🙏 you mean a lot even though idk you very well but thanks anywhoo I post slow but that's for a reason and their will be a author note like things about me and stuff and you can ask me questions cause your girls love to answer lol but yepo kk well I hope you likey and I hope you stick with me and read on and tell your friends about it cause ik you have some friends who love to read in Wattpad cause i do lol well In joy hehe bye

The last breath ((now editing the full chapters so reread it ))Where stories live. Discover now