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Alaina pov

What's, why , how, when is he going to kill me what what if he he touch me in a way.... no no no this can't be happing but why is it because I ran into him he's going to kill me now I only bump in to him and I said sorry

All of these thought going though my head as I was pacing back and forth I've been here what seemed like a day or so idk cause this room has no window and I already try the door but it's lock and I already try to knocked one of his men's out by a computer chair but it didn't work

As I was deep in mind I didn't know that some one else was in here calling my name

" al." "WHAT" I said a little to loud then I thought "I-m-I'm s-s-so-r-y" I said in a little whisper . " it's okay but I brought you some clothes but I want you to come down stair and I'll make you some food if that's fine love" he said

I was nervous to say I was scared that I could of crap my pants like do lie as I reach with a shakey hand I reach and grab my clothes I look up at him and he had a smug look on his face but as I look in to his eyes the held amusement , emotions , angry,sad, but they held... love?  As I took the clothes I said thank you and he left

I took a shower and brush threw my long hair and brush my teeth and changed in to the black skinnies and a long white tee shirt that had a band I loved on it skillet I love that bad

I wander how he know I like these type of clothes and my style I was knocked out my thoughts when some one was knocking on the door " c-come I-I-in" I stutter out as the door open Jason I think his name cane threw the doors and he look at me "damn you are so beautiful" he said that and I blush like their was no tomorrow I looked up and he chuckled and lord holy Jesus was it sexy like come one why is ever kidnapper sexy

"I made lunch so let's head downstairs love" he said and I blush at his little pet name now let me tell you I might be shy but wait my little savage said if me will come out of me I'm not like any of the little hoes out their I don't going and fuck or and other crap the only thing I have ever kiss was my dog I'm still a virgin for crying out loud like come one who want to tap this I'm ugly

We reach the kitchen and oh my lord Jesus I just I'm shock like this kitchen is like wtf  just looking at it made me want to cook ever thing they have cause it's so big

I herd chuckling from beside me I look up with a blush " you like what you see"  he said I didn't trust my voice so I nod and with that we sat down and ate god I love foooooodddddd

Soooo lol I'm the next chapter is going to be pic of the house just get you an idea but you can you know send me picks if you like of joe you want it to be and yeah it will get better threw out the book so stick with me their going to be sad happy and mad in it that you just want to stand up and flush your phone now the toilet lol and some smug parts if I know how to make them lol but yep see you next time I'm probably going to update ever Saturday or so or Maybe three the week days if so

The last breath ((now editing the full chapters so reread it ))Where stories live. Discover now