The last breath ch.2

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Alaina pov.

"I can't sleep" as I throw the blanket off of me every since this morning incident when that man grab my arm he had a look that you can't explain I felt danger in is eyes and like it's sad cause i want to know more of him but a part of me scream no and another screams yes

I walk down stairs to get a glass of milk like come on who doesn't like milk I grab a snack out of the pantry and went to watch some tv I finish my food and walk back in to the kitchen to put my stuff down and all of a sudden I saw black.......

I felt. Movement all of a sudden and I stared to panic "w-who are you and what do you want" as tears ran down my face "you finally awake" a man voice said "what do you want" I said again " well of course you my love" he said

And I past out.....

Jason POV.

We finally got back to the mansion I picked her up and brought her to a room and lock her up

No matter how hard she'll try she never leaving no matter, what I stand their looking at her damn she so beautiful with her long brown hair long eyelashes and light skin color and her eyes it will make any man fall to their knees

She had a nice body to she so small and she have an ass

I whipped her tear on her face and kissed her head and walk out I'll let my men know not to touch her later

Now I have to find out who been sneaking around my shit I walk into the room where my men where "alright if you get this fucking wrong you will get punished go down to the warehouse and to the clubs and find out who sneaking around and when you do you know where to bring them" I told them and went back to my office

Alaina POV.
I woke up in a fluffy bed I have a huge headache i don't know where I am but this room is amazing nice it was huge

I herd the door open and some one
Walk in "you awake are you hungry" I look closely to is who it was

No no no way it can't be him that same person this morning " why why you kidnap me why go ahead and rape me
Or whatever let me go back please" I begged

" NO" he held and I jumped back " I'm sorry" he said if I'll be honest is really handsome weellll hot like omg I looked like a good  he came over to me and looked at me it went on for a minute and he reached his hands close to my face and I flinched " pl-please don't hurt me I didn't do anything I swear"

" I know love I know" he said as he touched my cheek and rubbed it soft "then why please tell me" I asked him " you soon find out why I took you love but one thing you'll never leave this place ever" I had tears run down my face as he told me I miss my friends and my mom omg I spouse to go over their in two weeks their going to worry so much

Jason POV
I saw her crying and it tore my heart out I walk over to her and held her to my chest as she cried her eyes out " why please I swear I won't tell any one please let me go" she said I didn't answer her she cried till she went to sleep

Damn it

Why does it have to be her Why did I feel in love with her she will never leave my side I'll make her fall for me for sure

Time past...

I sat in my office sitting bore as hell doing this damn paper work I looked over to see the time 1:00 am "fuck" I mumble to my self as I rub my hair with my hands

I need to get a hair  cut soon, I should go and check up on her see if she doing fine or something

I walk into the room and I saw her standing up looking over the room I walk closely and say her beautiful body damn she so perfect

"Hey love you hungry" I asked her she turn around "c-can I get some milk and a muffin" she stutter "what kind would you like love" "umm blueberry" I walk out and called a maid to get her food

5 minuets later the maid brought and the milk and her blueberry muffin I watch her while she ate

She must really love milk and muffins damn she is so beautiful I can't keep my eyes off her she is nothing like the other girls I need with

She amazing

So idk how I'm good at this stuff if you have any questions or anything just comment or anything that would be great 💕💕

The last breath ((now editing the full chapters so reread it ))Where stories live. Discover now