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      The afternoon passes lazily with me cooping myself up in the room eating food and playing games. I eventually get bored with the way my game keeps crashing and decide to uninstall it. At a loss, I decide to scout the internet for good games to download.

      Oooh. This one looks interesting. Maybe I'll tell Hoseok about it, then he can play with me once he's finished with the rascally daycare kids.

      I pick up my phone and drop him a text, not long after, a conversation is sent flowing steadily.

Yoongi: Hoseok, I found a game we can play when you get off work.

Hoseok: Is it safe?

Yoongi: Of course it is,

Yoongi: Hoseok, I promise nothing's gonna happen.

Yoongi: I'm sure everyone's trying their hardest to find the missing people.

Hoseok: ...Fine, fine. What's it called?

Yoongi: Outcast.

Hoseok: That's it? Outcast? I need a description.

Yoongi: It's a game about a boy not feeling loved enough in the society he's in.

Yoongi: So he starts creating his own.

Yoongi: Messes with people's memories and traumatizes them.

Yoongi: I'm guessing we're the person trying to escape him?

Hoseok: It sounds fun, I guess. Give me the link, I'll download it when I get home.

      I wait a long time for Hoseok to come home. It's past his ending hours but he still hasn't come home.

Yoongi: You home yet?

Hoseok: No, but I have to work overtime...one of the parents got caught up in work so I can't leave the child unattended. Won't be home until late, sorry! :)

Yoongi: So no game tonight?

Hoseok: Sadly, no.

Yoongi: Shoot. I really wanted to play that game.

Hoseok: Why don't you get a head start?

Yoongi: Yeah. I really wanted to play with you though.

Hoseok: Aw, cute.

Yoongi: shut up.

Hoseok: Just tell me how the game goes! Text me, I'll give you my live reaction.

Yoongi: Yeah, yeah...I'm opening it.

Hoseok: What's it look like?

Yoongi: Has a lot of black and red stereotypical colours for a horror game.

Hoseok: Open it! I'm excited.

Yoongi: It looks boring, it had five stars, though?

Hoseok:  Did it? It must have a plot twist or something then.

Yoongi: Maybe. It's asking for a character name.

Hoseok: Do something cool, something fun.

Yoongi: I put in Yoongi.

Hoseok: That's not cool or fun.

Yoongi: Yeah, well, neither is Hoseok. 

Hoseok: You got me good.

Yoongi: The intro is tacky. "A boy makes his dreams into reality"?

Hoseok: trust the game, hyung. It probably gets better.

Yoongi: I don't know, I'm losing hope. 

Yoongi: Oh? it asks for a phone number.

Hoseok: For what?

Yoongi: Updates on the game, I guess. I'm not sure.

Hoseok: Are you gonna put it in?

Yoongi: no, I don't want updates on this game. I'm just gonna skip.

Yoongi: I can't skip it?

Hoseok: Maybe its required for the game? I don't know I don't trust this.

Yoongi: People in the comments said it was safe, so. I'll put it in, just for the game.

Hoseok: What's it say?

Yoongi: It says a text will be sent to my phone for verification. It'll take up to five minutes. So I guess I'll just wait?

Hoseok: Huh, a game that requires a phone? Maybe that's why it has so many good reviews, it's unique.

Yoongi: I hope it is. I'm wasting my evening on this game.

Hoseok: Hahah I wish I could also, I have a million errands to run.

      I wait for a little bit, and sure enough a text pops in from a number I don't recognise.

Hoseok: Anything yet?

Yoongi: Yeah, a number just texted me.

Hoseok: This is suspicious, I can't help but have a bad feeling.

Yoongi: Hoseok, it's alright. If they start asking risky questions I'll just block the number and delete the game, deal?

Hoseok: Alright...just stay safe, alright?

Yoongi: Yeah, of course.

Yoongi: Should I open it?

Hoseok: Well, they texted you, didn't they?

Yoongi: Yeah, that's true, but...

Hoseok: Yoongi--are you scared?

Yoongi: Hoseok...I'm tired of saying shut up to you. I've hit my limit.

Hoseok: You're just as scared as me! Need me to come over and protect you?

Yoongi: No, go do your errands or something.

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