Chapter 5

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I decide to skip school today and just stay on the computer. At about three o'clock my door bell rings I put my soda down and answer it, it's Bryce. He comes in looking like he ran out of fun size skittles, the limited edition kind. "First are you ok and second how do you know where I live"I ask " first no I'm not ok and second Alyssa told me". I nod my head in understanding "so what do you need friend" I softly punch him in the shoulder playfully "revenge" I gasp Bryce isn't the type to want revenge I widen my eyes "Alyssa broke up with me today for some other dude and I want revenge on that kid his name is-" I hear the name Cody and I do a spit take this time it ends up on me. Bryce looks at me weirdly as if when I did that spit take I turned into a piece of spaghetti. "It's ok Kate I know you liked him a lot I tried to tell her but that didn't work but I know how to get her back with me" " how" "you have to kiss me in front of her" " what ew no as if I'm gonna kiss you gross" he looks at me acting like he's hurt by what I just said "listen you like Cody I like Alyssa she still has feelings for me it'll work trust me". "I know someone that I can kiss without getting grossed out" I look at him "Kate no you can't kiss him you'll just end up crying for eternity he did the same thing Alyssa just did to me made you feel like-" "like you weren't good enough, like you were just someone to get them farther in life, like you played the part of a stepping stool so they could just move on when they were ready, but they never think about the person who helped get you, there they just leave you letting you think that you weren't even special to them, like you were just someone that just can't be happy". Tears slowly trickle down my face, my eyes filled with water to the point where I can't see anything at least on inch away from me. "Bryce maybe you should leave" he agrees with me and I walk him to my front door I open the door and he turns "it's ok to cry sometimes Kate you can't bottle everything up like you Do sometimes you just need to just cry you just need to let it all out whatever the subject is if your dog died or whatever but bottling up your feelings all at once is like submerging yourself under water" "what if I tell you my head may be under water but I'm breathing fine" he looks at me "you'll get it one day" he turns and leaves. I close my door and lock it I sit on my couch and rest my forehead on my knees wrapping my arms around my legs and just cry.

I'm at my locker opening it up and a note falls out I gently open it. I look at the note raeding,

Dear, Kate

I know I just met u but I just need to say:

Kate Sephrens I know that I'm new

But I really can't help falling in love with you

You're really amazing at art I must say

I have to say I'm in love if I may

You think you're not special but you really are

You're the prettiest girl I've met by far

So Kate Sephrens I know that I'm new

But please don't judge cause I'm in love with you


I smile from ear to ear and then someone taps my back it's Cody I run into his arms giving him the biggest hug ever. Wait but aren't you dating Alyssa "what no were not even friends Alyssa is dating Bryce that was just my plan to make you think I didn't like you but you know it's complicated" I smile and he pulls me into a hug. "I'm not doing anything tonight and I have that movie the conjuring if you wanna come over and watch it" "sure what time should I be there" "hmmmm 7:00". I smile uncontrollably "I'll be there" the bell rings and we walk with our hands linked to the cafeteria.

Jakes (P.O.V.)

Kate hugs Cody and my heart barfs with disgust. Kate should be with me not Cody me. All day I follow them around and every time they hug it's like a piece of my heart breaks off. I know I sound like I'm stalking them and actually I kinda am but as long as they don't catch me I'm fine. I can't talk to Kate about us because she'll either tear up or run away. After awhile I can't take it anymore seeing her with Cody is frustrating I'm mean I know I made her feel like shit but hey it happens like wasn't it going to anyways. And I'm not sure but I don't think kissing her a few months ago helped. Kate hates me and all I can do is just think about her she loved me and I just ignored it I treated her like she was a dog she did whatever I said, man those were the days. Kate is the prettiest girl in school and I just let her slip away. Every time I try and say sorry she just rejects me and I can't stand it whenever she says go away I feel like I wanna slap her and just say listen to me for once. Kate causes me pain and I just can't stand it. In art I write a note to her that says I just wanna say goodbye. If Kate doesn't love me what's the reason to life. I sneak out of art class taking one last glimpse at Kate and Cody before I go. I quickly get to her locker and shove the note inside the bell rings and I see Kate heading towards her locker I scramble to the corner of the hall. Kate opens her locker and sees the note she opens it up and she has a puzzled look on her face. Cody walks up to her and it's like she's under a spell and she crumbles up the note Cody hugs her and walks away as soon as he's gone I move in great strides towards Kate angrily. I turn Kate around and punch her hard knocking her to the ground and knocking her out not knowing what the hell I just did but she's unconscious. My eyes widen with terror blood is running down from her nose I run my fingers through my hair a couple of times not knowing what to do. I mean she's still breathing but she's not awake everyone has made a small semi circle around Kate's limp body and me the one everyone saw punch her and punch her hard. Megan, Anna, and Alyssa run to Kate's unconscious body. Megan's eyes widen and she covers her mouth Anna is shaking Kate furiously yelling at her to wake up Alyssa is just standing there in shock. Kate's head is now resting in a pool of blood. Megan turns to me "OH MY GOD JAKE YOURE SUCH AN ASSHOLE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING YOU RETARDED DUMBASS" she yells drawing even more attention than before. Cody comes running to the front and his eyes widen at the sight of Kate just lying there in a pool of blood. He looks at me "JAKE DO YOU SEE HER DUMBASS WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING YOURE SUCH A SHITHEAD YOU RETARD" Alyssa screams with the loudest voice ever. "I... I....... I didn't mean to I.... I was jus-" "LOOK AT HER YOU DICKSHIT SHES BASICALLY TAKEING A BLOOD BATH BECAUSE OF YOU" Anna screams the loudest I've ever heard her scream. Cody kneels down in her blood and lifts her head and tries to get some of the blood out her blonde hair. My eyes water up as someone yells make way for the principal. I run as fast as I can I run past the football field climb the gate at the end of the field and jump down some kids are trying to follow me but I'm running to fast and I lose them. I run all the way home and open my front door I take a knife from the kitchen and lock myself in my room. I start to cry and that's all I do is cry I think about killing myself then and there but I can't bring myself to do it. I start packing my things in a traveling bag I'm running away and never will I ever come back.

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