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Riko's POV

I dressed myself, but got hugged from You behind, she was still on her sports bra and jeans.

"Hey Riko-chan, your skin is soft, I love it"

"Y-You-chan I need to dress myself, so please a little bit r-respect wouldn't hurt"

"Okay Riko" You said and kissed me on my right cheek, she knew that I would blush hard.
I still hadn't told You that my parents wanted us to visit them and to present my lover, I just hoped that my father would have nothing against it, because I never told him that I'm a lesbian.

"You-chan ?"

"Yes ?"

"I have to tell you something important..."

"Tell me"

"My parents invited us to eat dinner on their house, I texted my mother, that I want to eat at their house, so my mother was excited and invited you too"

"Really ? Does she know about us ?"

"No...I wanted to keep it a suprise"

"Okay", the entire day went just by us eating lunch, cuddling, kissing and watching films, then it was about time to get ready for going at my parent's house. You was wearing a shirt with a blue tie, also wore black jeans, she looked handsome, while I was wearing a pink jumper and blue jeans, I looked cute on my outfit. After we were finished with the dressing, we went to You's car and we drove to my parent's home.

"A-are you sure I should go too ?"

"Yes You-chan, you're my lover after all, if they have a problem about us being together, then we leave the house and never come back"


"No buts, I love you, and you will be the only one who I love", I pulled You's tie and kissed her on the lips. You held my back as I put my arms behind You's neck, sharing our feeling together. We were in front of the door, I rang the doorbell, my mother opened the door.

"Riko sweety, nice to see you again"

"Nice to see you again too mom", my mother and I hugged together while behind me, You, had a nevous smile.

"Oh yes and my friend You wanted to come too", my mother gasped as she heard me say that it was You,

" grew a lot, where have you been all this years ?"

"Well, I studied hard for my dream job"

"Ohhh what do you work as ?"

"I'm a PE teacher at Uranohoshi", my mother looked at me, really suprised,

"Riko, you work at Uranohoshi you met again at your old school", You and I smiled and said both

"Yes, we do", then we entered and hung our jackets up, at the kitchen there was my father, I greeted him very joyfully and sat on a chair next to You. We started eating the food.

You's POV

We ate ramen and a small bowl of rice. After the food, we rested on the table and talked together

"Whoa, I'm stuffed"

"You-chan, you had 2 bowls of rice if I can remind you"

"But Riko-chan, I was hungry", we sat next to each other while smiled from our gazes. Then Riko's mother noticed that we were busy with out lovely staring contest.

"Riko sweetheart, how's life so far ?"

"I-it's good, I think"

"Okay then", I saw Riko's eyes at that moment, I could tell that she was nervous, so I took the step. I stood up and wanted to confess my love for Riko to her parents

"Miss Sakurauchi, I need to tell you something"

"Ohhh tell me, I hear you out"

"I, You Watanabe, am going out with your daughter Riko Sakurauchi and I promise that I will never leave her alone, I-I PROMISE YOU THAT I MAKE YOUR DAUGHTER HAPPY TO THE FULLEST, s-so accept me as Riko's lover" I bowed myself when I started talking in a higher voice. Riko's father stood up and looked at me with a serious look on his face.

"Follow me", he said, so i followed him inside the living room and he closed the door.

Riko's POV


"Yes sweetheart ?"

"Dad and You-chan are right now more than 40 minutes inside the living room...will You-chan be okay ?"

"Riko...I'm sure she will be okay"

"As always", I smiled at my mother, I was sure if my father did something to You, she would endure it. I looked down, waiting for my lover to come back again. Then my mother spoke

"Oh yeah by the way", I stared at her when she wanted to tell me something, but she stopped and continued with the conversation

"Congrats, you made it that you're in a relationship with You-chan"

"Yes...I'm happy"

"And ?"

"And what ?", I asked my mother who pulled a smirk.

"How was your first time ?", I blushed hard while my mother laughed cause me.

"M-mom, it's something p-private"

"But sweetheart, I'm your mother, there shouldn't be something embrassing, you can tell me about sex as much as you want"

"Mom you're a pervert", I looked away as my mother tried to look into my golden orbs.

"So tell me Riko, how was it ?"

" was good and hurted as my hymen broke and was really good.......I guess", I muttered while playing with my hands.

"Huh really ? You really turned me on at our first time", You told behind me with a smile.

"WHA- YOU-CHAN, D-DON'T...scare me like that...", I was shocked that You had a big smile on her face...

Did father forced You ?
Did father hurted You ?
Did father blackmailed You ?
Really...did my father do something bad to You ?

"Okay what did I miss ?", my father said while he entered the kitchen.

"Oh we talked about sex", my mother answered my father, damn at such times I wanted to put a tape on her mouth, so I glared at my mother.

"Is that so ? Are you talking about our time when we had a treesome ?", my father pulled a smirk to my mother as my mother, now, glared and blushed at my father. You and I laughed at that story.

Then it became darker and we had to drive back home. We told my parents goodbye while You hugged my mother, then afterwards hugged my father, both were happy...

What happened ?
Did I missed an important event that will actually happen in the future ?
I don't know...

"You-chan ?"

"Yes Riko-cha-", I kissed her on her lips, I couldn't endure it without kissing her. You's lips were inviting, her body too, I couldn't stop it. Then I seperated the kiss

"You-chan, what did my father tell you ?"

"Ahh was nothing bad to be honest, he told me just positive things"

"Okay...I'm happy that my father accepted our relationship"

"And your mother ?"

"Don't worry, she was supporting me the past 8 years to be with you in a relationship"

"What ? R-really ?"

"'re always wellcomed at my home"

"Now that you mention your will my parents react ?"

"Well I don't know, but I'm pretty sure they will accept us too"

"Let's see next week", You turned her CD on and let play our old songs, we sang until we were home.

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