October 31st

427 19 0

Ringo POV

Oh, how George loves the beach. I was being pulled along the sand, George complaining about about how I was being slow. "You'd be slow too! If you were tiny!" I protested. "I can make you speed up," he challenged.

"Oh, yeah? Prove it!"

He put his arms around me. He reached into my back pocket and stole my wallet! He ran off again toward the ocean. I chased him and we laughed. He slowed down and allowed me to catch up. "Give us a kiss," he said puckering his lips. I laughed, "In your dreams Harrison,"

He pouted."Then you don't get this back!" He yelled showing me my wallet.

"Mean," I said, leaning in for a kiss. He bit my bottom lip causing my to jump back.

"That's what you get for being slow," he laughed, sticking his tongue out. I licked it, "Eww!"

"Oh you enjoyed it." I said and he rolled his eyes.

We walked and sat on the rocks. George laced our fingers together. "I love you,"he leaned his head on my shoulder and I leaned mine on his. "I love you too," I kissed his forehead. The sunset was beautiful, but not quite as beautiful as him. I know, I sound like a bloody queer, but it's only for him. I miss us living together.

I walked back to the hospital with George's food in hand. He better love me for this. "Ringo! Where's my food?" he asked as soon as I walked in the door.

"Sod off! 'm gettin it," I laughed. He gave me a puppy dog face. Dammit! That boy! "Hey, pay up, Harrison," I said. He kissed my cheekin a friendly way. Oh, how I wish it was the way it used to be. I bet I hurt him too much for that.

George POV

I kissed Ringo's cheek and smiled to myself. I'll take that, if that was the only type of affection I can show him. Before I die though, I want a real kiss, one that will top all the rest. I thoought back to when he left me, so many years ago. I didn't mean to, it just sorta happened.

Ringo walked into the bedroom with a tear stained face. "George we need to talk."

"So talk." I said. He took a deep breath and looked at me. "This isn't working." he said and my heart stopped. "What isn't working?" I asked stupidly.

"This whole fucking thing! It' s illegal Geo! And it's...just not working out." He spat out. I just stood there. "Ringo-" I started but was cut off.

"Friends? Like we used to be?" he pleaded.

"Yeah, but I need space," I said, controlling my voice so I wouldn't yell at him or cry. "I love you Ringo."

"Yeah," he said leaving.

"What's wrong Geo?" Ringo asked.

"Just remembering..." I said.

"Remembering what?" he asked.

"When you..um..left."

"oh,' was all he could say.

"Do you remember when we used to drink melted cheese?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood. "What?" he laughed.

"You didn't? Maybe it was just me then." I laughed. He rolled his eyes.

It was getting quite late, almost time for me to go to sleep, which I do a lot these days. "Ringo, will you come lay with me?" I asked. He nodded and cuddled up to me.

"That boy took my love away

Though he'll regret it someday

But this boy wants you back again." Ringo sang, stroking my hair. I soon fell asleep to his beautiful voice and mesmurising touch.

Ringo POV

Why? Why do I keep doing this? I'm not making it eaiser on either of us. Damn man, making me end it with George....I hate him.

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