November 5th

299 12 8

Ringo POV

I was so excited to finally be able to get George again. The smile on his face when I told him to meet me at the diner was the kind of smile that would stars to shame. I had on nice clothes and fixed my hair until I was satisfied. 

In the lift, some guy kept staring at me. It stopped and I was super confused. It didn't have anything wrong with it as far as I know, it  just decided to stop. The man beside me was dressed in all black and was at least a foot taller than me. 

He just started to laugh,"Did you really think I would forget about you Starr? Or did you forget about me?" 

I freaked out. Oh shite. "I haven't." I replied as cooly as I could manage. 

"I've had my eye on you couple of queers, I know what you're doing tonight. And if you go through whatever it is you're doing, I'll kill ya both."

"Why the fuck does it matter to you anyway? Please at least let me have one night! At least let me explain!" I begged him, knowing it was no good but I was really hoping this guy had a heart. 

He laughs, "No, last warning. Don't play games." He whispered harshly and the lift slowly started moving again. 

There was no  use to even go anywhere. I just used the stairs and went back to our room. I found a bottle of vodka in the fridge, probably sent here by Eppy.  I drank straight from the bottle. I didn't feel sad, well not for the most part. I was mostly angry and kind of numb. There was no tears to be shed, I just drowned all my sorrows in that bottle. I finally finished the rest of it and threw it as hard as I could against the wall. I can't belive I let the man I love down again I don;t know when, but I ended up passing out.

The next morning, well early like midnight practically, I heard George open the door and sneak in. His eyes were red and puffy and his face was wet. I probably would have cared more or at least tried to cheer him up if I hadn't been hammered. 

"I know you're awake, you no good son of a bitch." George said quite coldly. 

"Of course I'm awake you dick. You don't exacly come quietly." I slurred.

"Oh so you stood me up to go get drunk? Real fucking nice." He said 

"I didn't stand you up by my choice luv." I whispered, his words feeling like a knife in my gut.

"Then why?" George begged. 

I tried to walk over and hug him but he pushed me away, "I can't say I'm sorry."

He punched me square in the jaw, but I didn't flinch. I deserved it. The taller lad looked as if he wanted to do more and I would have allowed it. "Liar." He said with such an intensity you could practically see the flames in his eyes. 

"Geo, please." I begged. I looked down at the ground, "hit me as mch as ye like, I don't care. I'm really sorry. Don't hate me. I'll explain one day." I said. The alcohol making it hard for me to stay upright. 

George pulled his fist back and I tensed waiting for the next blow, he didn't do it though. He punched the wall behind me and ran out the door. That night I swore I would never allow him to be mine again, no matter how much I wanted it. I can't stand him being hurt and if it costs me my happiness so be it. I finally sank to my knees and let the days stress out.

I woke up with wet eyes and a wore down George Harrison. He looked at me with all seriousness and touched my cheeks. "What's wrong?" He asked. I shrugged, not answering.

"I don't want to die here." George blurted out.

"Ok, well we will get you out of here. Where do you want to go?"

"Can't go to Friar Park. I want to go there so bad though. Do you think Dhani would bring me flowers from there? I always loved the flowers." He rambled. I wanted to laugh he used to do this all the time when he got nervous.

"George you're off topic luv." I said, running my hand through his hair.

"Beverly Hills. Thats where I want to die."

I nodded, I wanted so bad to tell him he wasn't going to die. I wanted to hug him and make everything ok again. But, I knew that wasn't true. He's not stupid enough to belive it either, and as much as I wanted to say it, I couldn't. 

I called Dhani and he agreed to bring the flowers, George smiled at this. Dhani on the other hand was awfully sad. He was taking this really hard. 

The rest of the day was spent making preperations for us going to Beverly Hills. Afterwards, when everything was quiet, George hugged me tight. I hugged him back as well, not wanting to let go but I did. 

"George, you don't have to be strong." I whispered into his hair. 

"I'm not, I just know everything will be fine." 

I smiled at him, "Yeah, you're right."

He's been sleeping a lot lately, I think he's hurting. The nurse says it's normal though. I tried to be as positive as him but I finally realized how much of a mistake I made was. I was going to tell him. I'm going to tell him everything. He can't die without knowing why I ended it, he can't die without knowing I still love him. The last of his days will hopefully be some of his greatest as well.

A/N Im so sorry it's taken me so long to update! I know this chapter isn't very good but I'll make it up to you guys! I promise and I'll try to update more frequently also! -Sydney

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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