Hold Onto Me (Pewdiepie fan-fiction)

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(Pewdiepie POV)

It was another lovely day in Sweden. Today, I had to take Edgar to the vet for a check-up and stop at GameStop for some new computer games. Luckily, I had a video to upload for today but tomorrow I need something new, possibly another horror game or RPG.

'Edgar!' I shouted at the front door. 'Get your lazy ass over here.' Sharp claws scurried from the kitchen to rush to me. I bent down and snapped on Edgar's leash. 'Now, let's get rolling.'


'Right this way.' This extremely hot desk clerk led Edgar and I to the waiting room. There was another dog sitting next to their owner but that was all including us. 'Have a seat and the vet will be right with you.'

'Thank you.' I smiled and sat down nearest to the entryway. Edgar shuffled around my feet rubbing his fat face on my shoes. 'Edgar stop being a hooker.'

It felt like forever before they called him so I pulled out my phone to check on Twitter. The bro's were tweeting me, huh, might as well reply back to some.

'Felix.' Some dude's voice said while walking out of the door that read "Office"

'Here.' I finished typing off a sentence to a bro and shoved the phone back in my ass pocket. (idek) 'Edgar-' I got up from the chair and searched for Edgar who I couldn't find. 'Goddamn it Edgar, stop playing games.'

'Is your dog the little black pug?' The old lady in the corner with her poodle looked up from her newspaper.


'He ran out that way.' She pointed to the entryway hall.

'Oh right.' I walked to the hallway and looked left and right. 'Edgar!'

(Unknown female POV)

I rushed inside the building, clinging onto the cage which held my cat, Spooky. He cried the whole way and to this moment, he's still meowing.

I leant against the door and pushed it open. A small little pug rushed out the door with a leash still attached to his collar. *Meow,* *Meow,*

'Shut up Spooky.' I whispered harshly and looked to find that little pug running about the cars. *Meow,* *Meow,*

'Need any help ma'am?' The front desk lady asked. I held out the cage and nodded. She rushed from behind the desk to grab the cage with Spooky *Meow,* *Meow,*

'Hold on, I'll be right back in.' I rushed out to look for that little dog. I'd hate to walk out and find it run over when I could have done something.. 'Here, puppy, puppy.' The clinking of the leash on the collar rushed from behind me. I turned just in time to swoop up the fat bundle of joy.

'Hi puppy.' I kissed on his furry cheek while he panted in my grasp. 'Where's you owner? huh, who'd leave such a sweet puppy like you here.' He wiggled around and whimpered. 'Awe, you're so cute. Come on, let's take you inside.'

(Pewdiepie POV)

I ran my fingers through my hair, obviously worried where that little flea-bag Edgar ran off to. He couldn't have ran outside, could he? Possibly hit by a car?

'I'll be right, go on ahead with your next patient.' I shouted to the vet and rushed to the front lobby. *Meow,* *Meow,* God, can someone please shut that fucking cat up. The hot front lady had the cage where the noise was coming from on her desk, making noises at it.

A woman walked into the building holding a fat- Edgar! I walked over to her while she smothered Edgar with love and affection, ew. She smiled and turned to look up at me as the door shut. *Meow,* *Meow,*

'Thank god, you found my dog.' I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed. *Meow,*

'This is your dog?' She adjusted Edgar in her arms and looked up at me with suspicious. No shit, it's my fucking dog. *Meow,*

'Yes it is.' I said. 'His name is Edgar. Perhaps you should give him back to me.'

'Then why was he running around outside?' She raised her eyebrow at me while Edgar squirmed around. *Meow,* That fucking cat, come on, seriously?

'Just give me my dog.' I held out my hand to take his leash. She studied me up and down then back at Edgar. Come on, lady.

'Alright.' She mumbled and set Edgar down then handed me the leash. *Meow,*

'Thank you.' I smiled and turned around to go back into the waiting area. Edgar skipped around happily, panting, acting like nothing happened when he tried to runaway from me.

How fucking dare he.

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