The New Kid

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Before I begin this fanfic just know that this will be a random fanfic and it will probably change a lot. It may start as a stranger things fanfic and end as a gravity falls fanfic. It may start as a Billy fanfic and end as a steve or jonathon
It may become angst , fluff or smut (Not between the kids unless I change their ages) and who knows. Maybe it will revolve only around one fandom instead of the many I had planned. Originally, this was to be an IT fic but you know the good titles are gone. Anyway enjoy! I love you!💜


December 6, 1985

It was a quiet day. Perfect amount of noise, the world was at ease. Or at least, most of the world.

-The Smith Household-

"Are you Fucking serious right now?" Yelled John Smith, the father of the household, as he punched his son in the face. " A FUCKING C?! I RAISED YOU BETTER THAN THIS, PUNK! " he screamed, spittle flying into his son's face.

"You know what?" Grinned his son sadistically. " you aren't my father. I don't have to take this shit from you. Send me away if you want but I'm Fucking done. "

"What you just say boy? Come back here and fight me like a man. Is this the image you want to set for your new stepsister? She's still mourning and she sure as he'll don't need your drama in her life." John said, bolting down another pint.

"Fuck her." Replied his son. " and furthermore fuck you. "

"If I were you I'd watch what you say boy" his father said dangerously. "I might just listen to you and ship you off to some shithole on the other side of the world. And that girl too. She would be going with you."

" Hmph. As if I would leave anyone, even a brat, here with you. You don't even know my name and I've been living with your shit my whole life. So ship us off. I dont give two fucks. " The son spat.

"I know your name you disgusting freak. But a name like Josh is for a son that makes his dad proud." His father said, stubbing his cigarette. "Pack your bags, you little shithead. You're leaving in two days. By that time the little brat will be here. And you're her only family. Cause I sure as hell ain't looking after her."


Two days later

"I still don't understand. I just got here, why do we have to move to some place on the other side of america? Can't we just stay with your dad?" Questioned Alex

"Ok, I think we have to set some ground rules. One, don't talk to me. If you do don't lie to me. Two, if you leave late or I don't like your attitude, you're rollerskating home. Three, if I say not to interact with someone do not interact with them. Four, the reason why we're going to Hawkins is none of your business so do not ask about it. And lastly, do not question my actions. Got it brat?" Josh ranted.

" .... "

"Answer me" Josh said,getting his teeth in fury. "Now."

" you said i shouldn't speak to you " Alex replied, smirking.

"When we get to Hawkins, on the first day of school,your skating home." Josh replied as they drove away, leaving their father ( stepfather in Alex 's case) far behind

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