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Person above is face claim for Alex btw👌


Billy's P.O.V

As I walked away, I tried to collect my thoughts. Who was this Josh guy? And why did he say that? It's just uncanny, how much he seemed like me.. Telling that girl- His stepsister, apparently, to skate home, everything - he was me. But not, at the same time...

I Want to know him. I want to understand him.

And once I want something i get it.


Alex's P.O.V

I skated alongside max, chatting about hawkins. I laughed a bit when she told me that it was a weird town that scary stuff happens in, because come on, seriously? She wouldn't explain, so she must be trying to hype it up.

I told her I was happy and that she didn't have to big it up.

She just kind of looked away and we rode the rest of the way in silence. I wondered what I'd done to upset her, but I didn't ask.

After some time, we reached old caravan site far away from town. There was an out of place caravan sitting in the center, it was painted beige with a pastel rainbow streak on the side which was split in half by a painting of dice. It looked really nice compared to the rusty trash around it.

It had a telescope on the roof and the door was open.

Max walked in, beckoning for me to enter. I hesitantly followed, wondering why we were here. As soon as I entered, I was greeted by many things. First, I noticed that there were no chairs inside, but beanbags, a table where the driver would sit, a bookshelf full of comics and novels, a pile of games, some electrical plugs and a tv rigged to an atari, and many cool posters.

Secondly, I noticed a group of children.

Max had told me a few of  their names and I knew some from school so I could recognize them. "Hi Dustin, mike, lucas, will and jane" I said quietly.

"Hey" they awkwardly chorused. I turned to the older kids. "Hi,I'm alexis" I muttered. I realized my mistake and quickly corrected myself. "I mean, uh, alex. don't call me alexis, nobody calls me alexis"

"Hi I'm nancy, Mike's older sister" piped up the girl with the ponytail, smiling. I shook her hand, before turning to the boy with the camera.

"Im, uh, jonathon..Will's older brother.." He quietly stated. He shook my hand but I could tell he was uncomfortable around New people.

"So, nice caravan. Must of taken ages to renovate.." I confidently announce, changing the subject from greetings.

"Yeah, actually it didn't take long" Dustin spoke.

"We have a fridge built in too, hidden under the ladder, like a trapdoor?" Nancy laughed.

"We have a secret weapons cabinet built in behind the beanbags" Lucas grinned, before covering his mouth like he'd said something he want supposed to.

"Lucas!" Will whisper-shouted

"Anyway, you can come sit if you want we were talking about ...uh, Our lives...recently" Mike said awkwardly trying to move on.

"Sure why not , seeing as I've been so politely.. offered" I said in a fake posh tone, earning a laugh from jane .

I sat down.

"So alex tell is about yourself, why you came here and stuff" Dustin spoke up

"Well, I recently got a new stepdad, and then my mother died the week before they were supposed to move in together so I was sent to live with him. However, I was introduced to my new asshole stepbrother, learned that my stepdad is a dick and we were both shipped here." I stated , angrily.

Half of the people in the room looked sympathetic, confused or furious

I smile.

"But it's no big deal, cause I've met you all, even if a few of you enjoy stalking me"

Dustin immediately turned a light pink as he played With his fingers. "Yeah, uh sorry..about that, i..wanted to know who beat my highscore this time..And I mean last time it was max and then she started dating Lucas but I don't care because they're a cute couple and stuff so yeah" he rambled , looking everywhere but me.

I raised an eyebrow

"So why didn't you just come talk to me?" I asked in confusion

" Oh. " he muttered, turning red. Nancy burst out laughing and Jonathon smiled at her, adoration in his eyes. Meanwhile Jane and Mike were busy kissing each other.

"Ugh" I shared a look with max.

"Guys get a room, that's super gross" will exclaimed. I felt an urge to run over and ruffle his hair but I merely sat inbetween him and dustin. He smiled to himself and Dustin looked at him, jealousy flashing in his eyes before he looked away.

We spent hours chatting, laughing, eating and messing around before leaving one by one until it was just me, Dustin and Max.

"Well Dustin max and I got to go, so you should leave too, no point in you being alone." I say, smiling at him. He runs outside and grabs his bike as max and I grab our skateboards, and I ruffle his hair before skating away.


I'm so cringy ugggghhh anyway so Alex and will or Alex and Dustin? Dustin and Max or Lucas and max? Byler or mileven idkkkk  .... Dustin and lucas?! Ships?! comment which you would like!

-love you all, haruki

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