Part 9

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Victoria wedged her phone between her chin and shoulder and answered Jessica's question. 

"I still have several small things to tie up before the Ball on Saturday. If Mrs. Worthington gets the completed volunteer list to me by Thursday, I think any major disaster can be avoided." 

She switched her phone to her left hand and applied the last touch to her make-up using her free hand. She'd not been sure about the plum lip-gloss when the cosmetic assistant added the item to her purchase that afternoon. Now she was glad she'd kept the girl's selection. The glossy hue lent just the right amount of tinted shine to her lips. 

She scanned her disorderly bedroom for her missing shoe. If clutter were the latest fad in interior arrangement, she would have a designer's dream. How she could keep everything in her public life pigeonholed and nothing in her private sanctum in order was a mystery. 

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"Victoria, are you listening to me?" Jessica asked

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"Victoria, are you listening to me?" Jessica asked. 

"I'm sorry, Jessica, what were you saying?" 

"I asked if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight. I met two really sweet guys this week and I'm taking them to dinner." 

"Both of them?" 

"Sure, why not? Come on, Victoria. I guarantee you'll have fun. Steven is a stockbroker and Randy is with the IRS. You have something in common with both of them, money." 

"Thanks anyway, but I already have plans for this evening. Why don't you and I do lunch tomorrow?" 

"I don't know how you can pass up this opportunity, but sure, let's do lunch. How about we try the new French restaurant, Desiree's? It's just a few blocks from your office. You know which one I mean?" 

"Yes, sounds great. How does eleven-thirty sound? Maybe we can avoid the heavy lunch crowd and long wait." Victoria switched ears again and with her phone and tossed her discarded robe across the end of the bed.

"Perfect. See you tomorrow," replied Jessica.

"Wait, don't hang up," Victoria stood still in the middle of the room. "I wanted to ask you about my costume; it hasn't arrived from Madam Soladar's yet. Did you give them a specific delivery time?" 

Victoria rolled her eyes as she listened to Jessica's probable reasons for why her costume was taking so long to be delivered. "I'm not really worried, I just wanted time to try it on and make an exchange if the fit isn't right for me. What did you choose?" 

"Believe me," said Jessica. "I made the best choice possible. Don't you trust me?" 

"Of course I do. I just don't like surprises..." 

"Sorry, I've got to run. I'll see you at lunch tomorrow. Bye now." 


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