Part 16

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Why was Jessica poking her?  

"Sorry," Jessica said, giving Victoria a vigorous shake. "I hate to wake you, but you only have an hour to get dressed. Did your nap help? You still look pale." 

How could she describe her present state, death dragged back for the execution perhaps, thought Victoria? Maybe she would drown herself in the shower and end all this misery. "I'll be all right." 

When she turned over and opened her eyes, a superhero stood over her. What a sight. Jessica stood in full regalia as Wonder Woman. Long red hair cascaded in a riot of curls across her bare shoulders. Skimpy blue satin shorts and red boots showcased her long, shapely legs. 

"You look fabulous, exactly who I need tonight...Wonder Woman," said Victoria as she slipped out of bed. "Would you mind laying out my costume while I take a shower? By the way, what did you get for me?" 

Jessica gasped. "You mean you haven't looked yet?" 

"No. I didn't have time," replied Victoria.

"Oh, Victoria, I'm so sorry. You're going to hate me." Jessica placed both hands over her heart. " I thought I would add a little excitement to your otherwise dull existence. But now, well, you're just going to kill me." 

A very bad premonition crawled up Victoria's spine. The blood-curdling sound of golden bells confirmed her worst fears as she yanked the lid from the box containing her costume. "Jessica, you didn't!" 

"Well, how was I supposed to know you would get yourself married to a foreign person, a  Middle Eastern prince, no less?" 

Victoria shook the box at Jessica. "I can't wear this! It's indecent! Everyone will think I've lost my mind," she screeched, her voice breaking with panic.

"When news of your recent nuptials hits the tabloids, everyone will be sure you're insane anyway. So, why not have some fun?" Jessica's gaze narrowed with mischievous excitement.

Victoria stared at the filmy creation and wondered if she possessed the courage. Whether she did or not was a moot point. Time had run out. Picking up the costume, she marched past Jessica, entered the bathroom, and slammed the door. Someday she was going to choke her friend.

"Hurry up, Victoria. What's taking you so long? We're going to be late." 

Victoria tried to ignore Jessica's insistent rapping on the bathroom door. She was not as eager as her friend to start a war, especially one she was not altogether sure she could win. 

"If you don't come out soon, I'm calling for help," Jessica threatened.

"Just a couple more minutes," Victoria mumbled as she listened to the voice penetrating the bathroom door. 

"You know, Victoria," Jessica's voice filtered through the door. "I can't understand how two hunks of male perfection can be so barbaric? You must admit, just looking at them is enough to make mush out of your principles. Your prince has a drop-dead smile and his friend Califar is gorgeous. Why do men have to ruin everything with their Tarzan mentalities?" 

Victoria tuned out Jessica's continuous chatter and studied her reflection in the mirror. Her hair hung loose, dropping halfway down her back. She tugged some forward to shield the embarrassing amount of cleavage on display. The woman in the mirror projected a mysterious, exotic appearance. No one would discern the uncertainty she battled unless she allowed her confidence to falter. 

A tear rolled down her cheek, and then another. She swiped the tears from her face and jutted her chin upward, challenging the woman in the mirror. She never cried. She'd go to the ball in this costume and dare anyone to question her dignity, especially, one very arrogant bully. 

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