Part 14

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Rashid watched the light dim in Victoria's eyes. He wrapped an arm under her back before she could topple on the desk. Putting his other arm under her knees, he easily swung her into his arms and placed her on the couch he and Califar had just vacated.

The fragility of Victoria's pale complexion lashed his conscience. When had he become such a man? To render her unconscious because of his temper was inexcusable. Never had a woman so easily aroused his emotions. Certainly, none had ever tested his authority, thinking herself equal to his strength.

"Is she all right?" Jacob glared at his new son-in-law. "If she has been harmed I will never forgive myself, or you." 

Rashid marshaled his tattered control. Enough damage had been done. He certainly didn't want to add to Jacob's distress. "Calm yourself. Victoria has merely fainted. She will come around soon. She has suffered no lasting harm."

"You were too hard on her. She isn't like the women you're accustomed to.' Jacob raised his voice, projecting his displeasure. 'You cannot just order her around and expect her to comply."

Rashid let go of his wife's hand and stood to face her father. "Nor am I the caliber of man to whom she is accustomed. You trusted me with the care of your daughter. Do you not think you should have some faith in your decision? Victoria will never be happy until she accepts her position. To show weakness now would lock us in a battle for the rest of our lives. I will start this marriage the way it will be lived."

"After the divorce, Victoria will no longer be subject to your ways. Why make this harder than necessary?" Jacob argued.

"There will be no divorce." Rashid kept his tone civil despite his anger.

"What do you mean? You said yourself Victoria could not properly fill the role of your wife. What are you doing?" Jacob's face reddened with frustration.

Rashid had not intended to discuss this aspect of his decision with Jacob until later, or, perhaps, not at all. Time would have eliminated the need. Now, circumstances dictated otherwise. He took a deep breath. Explaining his actions was an unfamiliar task but one he needed to do before removing his wife from her father's care.

"You think you know me well and, to some degree, you do. I will honor our agreement. Your daughter's safety is secured. No one will threaten her in any way. As your friend, you can depend on my word. As a man, your knowledge of me is not as thorough as you may have believed."

Rashid paused to let Jacob assimilate his words. "I do not make frivolous commitments, nor do I utter vows I do not intend to honor. I accepted your daughter as my wife under your own law; she will remain such under my law."

"Why hold on to a woman you don't want?" Jacob raised his hands in disbelief.

"Because I can."

Rashid returned Jacob's contemptuous glare with one of supreme confidence. "As to wanting this woman..." Rashid swung a hand in Victoria's direction. "This fact you failed to question. I could have secured your daughter's safety in many ways, none of which required me to marry a woman I did not desire. Make no mistake. What I want--I acquire. What I acquire--I keep."

*  *  *

Victoria moaned in resistance to the reality dissolving her calm sanctuary. Her eyelashes fluttered and then opened. She looked straight into Rashid's square-jawed expression as he pressed a glass of water to her lips. Before either of them could anticipate her response, she pushed the glass away from her mouth, splashing the contents over both of them. The cold wetness dispersed the foggy residue clouding her mind and rid her of Rashid's unwanted attention.

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