Part 18

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Victoria stared over Rashid's shoulder in horrified silence as Califar intercepted Jessica

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Victoria stared over Rashid's shoulder in horrified silence as Califar intercepted Jessica. Using both hands and feet, she fought to free herself from the man's hold without success. The last thing Victoria heard before the double doors closed off her world was Jessica's shouted promise.

"I'll find you!"

Jessica's predicament and her own helplessness drained Victoria of what little fight she had left. She ceased pushing against the man who held her high against his chest while his purposeful stride echoed in the deserted corridors. Before she could gather the presence of mind to wonder at his destination, she was tossed into the back seat of an imposing silver limousine.

 Before she could gather the presence of mind to wonder at his destination, she was tossed into the back seat of an imposing silver limousine

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Califar exerted enough strength to match the woman's formidable force as she scratched, bit, and kicked in an effort to break his hold on her. He pressed his hand over her mouth to silence the screams piercing his eardrums.

It would be easier to suffocate her and be done with it. The thought was enticing but in the corner of his mind, he admired the loyalty she showed to her friend, understanding her need to fight.

He tightened his hand against her mouth, not cutting her air off completely, but enough to make her realize he meant his next words. "Stop, you can only cause hurt to yourself with your useless resistance. You cannot help your friend. She is with her husband where she belongs." He controlled the tone of his voice despite the strain on his emotions.

The wiggling woman with her satiny skin and heavenly smell kicked his heart rate to maximum. Worse, was the undeniable arousal she triggered in the rest of his body. He should be disgusted not stimulated. Resentment out-weighed his restraint and he shook her until she ceased to struggle.

Becoming still at last, she lifted her head regally and stared down her haughty nose at him. Since he towered over her by several inches, such an impression testified to the depth of her self assurance. He spread his feet, bracing for what he could see brewing in her eyes.

"How dare you! Where is Victoria? You will not get away with kidnapping an American citizen. I demand to know where you've taken her." She glared at him through fiery, reproachful eyes.

"Your demands are of little importance and your threats of no consequence. You are but a foolish woman."

He barely reacted in time to avoid the balled fist she swung in the direction of his jaw. Shock waves of incredulity moved through him. Did she want to physically challenge him? Never had he encountered such a female. Her attempt to do him harm was easily handled, but her persistence was not. The woman was unwise and reckless.

Yanking her body to his, he clasped her chin in one hand and held her in place. "Listen well, woman, for I will say this only once. The Princess is no longer your concern. Do not interfere. Do not follow or try to contact her."

Her glare targeted him like an arrow. "I will find her. I will not stop. Now get your hands off me!" Her green eyes flashed their ultimatum.

His own blood heated in response to her resistance. He rubbed his thumb across her stubborn bottom lip, parting it enough to allow his thumb to press against her clenched teeth. No woman had ever aroused his passions as this one. Why this spitting, viperous female should do so was an aggravation. The slick surface of her gritted teeth ignited a strong need in him to breach their barrier. Stunning desire put a sharp edge to his declaration. "If you defy me and step into my will pay the consequences."

"Don't threaten me. I don't need your permission for anything. I do as I please."

Her resilience stirred his admiration. The supreme confidence in her expression defied the captivity of her body. She delivered the assertion with a toss of her head; much like a blooded mare would do when rebuffing the attentions of one of Prince Rashid's Arabian studs.

Without hesitation he claimed her mouth, accepting no resistance. He controlled the kiss, softening and strengthening the pressure. First devouring and then soothing her sweet lips until her movements became sensual and her moans yielding.

Lifting his mouth from hers took all his willpower.

"If I see your face on Ahalamin's soil, I will consider this a challenge. One which I will accept and you will lose. You are warned." His calm statement, edged with finality and a foreboding promise, merely hinted at the contradicting rage of emotions driving him forward.

He swooped with the speed of a falcon to claim her mouth, accepting no resistance, devouring and then soothing her sweet lips, in turn, until her movements became sensual and her moans biddable. She smelled of open places, endless skies, and tasted like forever. chilling as a desert night, the word vanquished his fervor. Parting their lips, he pushed her slightly away from his body, holding her by the arms until her trembling legs supported her full weight. Her bereft eyes rose to his, questioning and studying him in silence. He slid two fingers down her cheek and over her quivering lips.

He hated the battle his mind and body waged. One wanted to stay and claim this strong, desirable woman. The other mocked his weakness. Without a word, he removed his hand, pivoted, and walked away.


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