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@Y/N Y/L/N: He thinks he's gangster but we all know he's not💜Tagged: @Ekat19

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@Y/N Y/L/N: He thinks he's gangster but we all know he's not💜
Tagged: @Ekat19

11,573 Likes & 937 Comments


Username: aha first comment bishes!

Username1: dad?

Ekat19: Yo I am a gangster, so what u talking bout?
@Y/N Y/L/N

Username2: Your officially dating Carl Gallagher 🙏

Jeremyallenwhite: Your no gangster bro

Emmy: Yeah you saw a spider on set and screamed at me to kill it

Username3: That's so funny 😂

Username4: Follow me please?

Y/N Y/L/N: oh I remember that I was dying of laughter 😛

Username5: why are they bullying Ethan?

Ekat19: what is it abuse Ethan day? Stop Abusing me please
@Emmy @Jeremyallenwhite
@Y/N Y/L/N

Username6: #StopEthanAbuse

Username7: Yeah #StopEthanAbuse

Username8: #StopEthanAbuse

Ekat19: yeah guys #StopEthanAbuse

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