08. Dish Washer

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You enter Patsy Pies and take a seat at the counter like usual. Your normal waitress, Fionna Gallagher comes over to you and asks what you would like to eat. After you tell her she writes it down and hands it to one of the cooks. "You look rough today." You say as Fionna pours a cup of orange juice for you. "Yeah well my brother, Carl just starter working here and he isn't very helpful, you know he's about your age" Fionna says as she smirks at you. "Please im not looking for a relationship right now" You say as Fionna just shrugs and starts cleaning the counter up. "Just a thought, he needs someone like you, his life is pretty fucked up" Fionna says as she starts counting the money in the cash register. "Its the South Side, Fi all our lifes are fucked up" You say as you take a sip from your juice. "Here's your food ill be right back I gotta check something in the back okay" Fionna says as she heads to the back room and you just nod as you look down to your food. You hear a loud clang come from the kitchen and you look through the little open window thing to see a boy with a longer brown hair and a hair net on. You smile as the boy looks up to see you, he just nods his head at you. After a couple minutes of eating he comes out from the kitchen with the hair net on and you hold back laugh. The unknown boy stands behind the counter infront of you as he quietly stares at you. "Got a name?" He asks you as you look up to be met with his green eyes. "Yeah actually I do, i'm um i'm Y/N" You say as you laugh a little. "Y/N I like it" He says smiling at you and you smile back. "What about you? You got a name or should I just call you hair net boy?" You as you smirk at the still unknown boy. "He laughs a little and looks down at his hands and back at you as he takes off his hair net. "Carl, Carl Gallagher" He says as he smirks, so this is Fionna's brother. "I think I like hair net boy better" You say laughing as he rolls his eyes and smiles. "Yeah yeah whatever" He says as he grabs your plate and cup and starts heading back to the kitchen. Before he enters the kitchen he turns around as you stand up and put money on the counter and get ready to leave. "We should hang out" Carl says as looks at you with a small grin playing at his lips. "Mhmmm See ya later hair net boy" You say as you open the door ready to leave. "So is that a yes?" He questions as he stop walking away. You look back to him and smile. "Yeah I guess it is" You say as you walk through the doors of the restaurant and out into the cold. Carl goes over to the counter and picks up the money to see a small piece of paper fall out. Carl picks it up and looks at the tiny piece of paper. He looks down and reads it to see your number and your name witg a little heart. The boy smirks and puts the paper into his pocket.

A/N- sorry if there are any mistakes but I've been busy studying for a big test so its kind of hard to concetrate so yeah ✨

Word Count: 604

Carl Gallagher Imagines/Preferences Where stories live. Discover now