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I groan. We have a new female teacher for our math class now. And everyone likes her much more than that old perverted Mr.Young. I sigh. Jennie and I kept giving each other glances by accident. It used to just be me who stared at her throughout the whole period..

But now ever since that one incident that she saved me from.. she always turned her head to look at me and I would already be staring at her so our eyes meet a lot.

When the bell rang I immediately walk out of class. "Lisa! Hold up!" Jennie says behind me in the hall. So I turn around and let her catch up with me. "Wanna do something together today?" Jennie asks me as we walk down the hall together. "Sure! why not!?" I reply happily as we walk.

"Hmm how about after school we go to the new sauna that just opened up in town!" Jennie replies. I nod my head and smile. The bell rings and Jennie smiles waves as she goes off to class.

During class I sigh and didn't pay attention to the teacher's lesson. Instead I couldn't help but think of what Jennie and I were doing after school today. The sauna.. WAIT A SECOND OMO OMO! The sauna is a hot and steamy room! And we're gonna be alone! The two of us! Naked!

I gulp and swallow the insides of my throat. That's gonna be so awkward! Well at least for me.. because I like her.. I don't think she'll mind though.. she'll probably see it as another "HANGING OUT WITH MY BESTIE TODAY!" Type of event.

I couldn't help but to blush at the thought of Jennie naked in the steamy and hot sweaty foggy room.. right.. next.. to.. me.. too..

"RINGGGGG" the school bell screams and I jump up a little. Time to go on with my day then..

After school I was walking out the school gate and saw Jennie waiting for me at the front. When I get to her she smiles cheerfully and I smile back. "You ready to go?" She asks me. I nod my head and smile.

As we walk down the streets on our way to the sauna I felt anxious the whole way. But Jennie seemed so causal and kept talking about her life. Which I didn't mind because then I can finally get to know Jennie a little more. "How about you? How have you been? How's life?" She asks me.

I bite my tongue before I speak. "Well.. it's good I guess I don't know. I don't really live an interesting life to be honest.. but I do want to become a photographer later on in my future!" I reply. Jennie gasps. "Oh really?!" She asks me excitedly. "Oh yeah! Of course!" I reply smiling. "Do you think you can take a photo of me right now and make it look professional then?" She asks me.

I giggle. "Mhm! Here." I say as I take out my phone. So Jennie poses for a couple of photos. The wind blew lightly as I press the button. I then show them to her. This is what Jennie looked like,

 This is what Jennie looked like,

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Jennie gasps. "That's so beautiful! Good job.." Jennie says while smiling. I smile back. "That's because you're in it." I reply. She widens her eyes. Oh no.. was that too weird?

How I Accidentally Fell In Love with You {JENLISA FANFIC}Where stories live. Discover now