Chapter 2 - The Truth About Ms. Smith

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(Reader Chans P.O.V~)

"And here I am." I explained to the Creepypasta group. "That's quite the story, Y/N." Bloody Painter said. "Yeah, anyway what's the problem with Ms. Smith?" I asked studying them. They all visibly stiffened. "Ugh that bitch, I wish she would GO.TO.SLEEP!" Jeff mumbled while clenching his charcoal hair. "Shut up Snow White." Jane started raising her voice. "AHEM! Back to your question Y/N, Ms. Smith acts all nice in front of newcomers. However, once you get on her bad side she starts to let her true colors show. If your not too careful she'll give you electrical shock treatment, or worse... she will leave you alone only in a dark and white padded room. The longest time being 2 weeks with only food and water every now and then. Not only that, but the guards like to beat us over petty shit like being too loud." EJ explained over the bickering of Jeff and Jane. "Damn that's harsh." I said shaking my head.

( Time Skip brought to by The Armored Titan (-_-) )

We were all allowed outside for two hours and a half. The Creepypasta claimed the only tree in the entire courtyard. "Y/N you seem cool, wanna join us and help us escape?" LJ asked with the others nodding in agreement. 'These guys are killers just like whoever killed my family. If I join them I could escape and possibly kill the person who killed my family. Why not?'

I grinned widely ( Almost bigger than Jeff's smile ) and shook LJ's hand. "Sure!" I agreed. "Good because we want to let you in on something. Tomorrow Ms. Smith is expecting the arrival of her superiors to look at the asylum. We are planning on sabotaging that bic- Ms. Smith." LJ explained with a menacing voice. I chuckled evilly and agreed to join in. We spent the rest of the time planning and also working on our plan to escape.

It was now morning and I was led to the cafeteria. I briskly walked over to the Creepypasta and sat down eagerly. "You r-ready Y/N?" Hoodie asked shyly looking at Masky. "Sure am!" I blurted out. We went over the plan once more and talked.

It was now our first free period outside and we started our plan. Jeff and Jane started fighting as planned. "Stop looking at me bitch!" Jeff growled out at Jane. "Stop being an ugly asshole like your mom! Oh, wait you don't have one!" Jane snorted back. They got into a heated fistfight and the only two guards came to break them up. As they were about to stop them Bloody painter and Sally snapped both of their necks. Their bodies lifelessly dropped on the ground. Hoodie and Masky soon put on their clothes and walked to the doors opening it. ( Ms. Smith superiors were already here btw ) We located the room that controlled all the water in the building and as soon as Toby gave us the sign we turned on the sprinklers over Ms. Smith and her Superiors. 'Stage one out of three complete.' Next, we had had Hoodie and Masky ( They left their mask and Hoodie's sweatshi- hoodie with us ) fight in front of Ms. Smith. Showing how 'responsible' the guards were here at the asylum. 'Stage two out of three complete.' Now we had Smile sniff out rats and kill them so we could put them in their food. After that, we waited patiently for dinner ( Hoodie and Masky put back on their normal stuff. ) to roll around.

We looked at Ms. Smith and her superiors table as one of them picked up a rat's tail. "What the hell!!" He screamed falling out his seat. I silently laughed at her with the rest of the group. ' Stage three out of three complete!' After Ms. Smith's superiors left she started an investigation. In the end, she couldn't find out who was behind it or so we thought...


Hey Panda Fam! Please like, comment, and follow. I hope you liked the cliff hanger hehe. Have a good night/morning! ~ Fandom

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