Chapter 10- Oh No!

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(Time skip to 12 hours later)
F/C = Favorite Color
( ) = Whatever you want.
You'll understand once you get to the part.

Reader P.O.V

After being teleported home by Slender everyone parted ways, but not before we all helped the injured into the infirmary to get treated by the healers. (Ej, Doctor Smiley, and Nurse Ann.)

I was settled on the couch pondering over the recent events that occurred. I couldn't believe what just took place not so long ago. Questions ran through my mind at alarming speeds, each one more confusing than the last.

'What happened to Slender? Will the injured be okay? How did I survive? I'm hungry- wait, what?'

I looked down at my stomach curiously, when was the last time I ate? It let out a grumble as if answering my question. Sighing, I got up and walked to the kitchen. Upon arriving I looked through the oak cabinets in search of junk food. Sadly enough nothing was in there besides a weird-looking hand puppet.

'Oddly enough it reminds me of Nekozawa's Cat puppet.'

Not thinking much of it I set off to the refrigerator. Gripping the slick handle I pulled it open and peered inside. I was met with only a few options to choose from, most of which were beginning to rot. In complete disgust, I slam the door shut and made my way to my room to sleep through hunger. After climbing many stairs and taking many turns I stopped realizing I forgot where it was.

'At this point, I'm ready to give up.'

Midway in the process of laying on the floor, I heard a slam a couple of doors down. Jolting up I walked to the location of the sound and pressed my ear against the door. I could only hear silence until the door was forcefully pulled open. Unable to react in time I planted face-first into the ground. I looked up at the person who opened the door and was met with a blue mask with black leaking out the sockets. In other words, it was my friendly neighborhood EJ.

"Fancy meeting you he-"

"It's not good to eavesdrop." His familiar gruff voice responded.

Before I had the chance to explain myself he walked back into the room but kept the door open. Taking this as some sort of invitation to enter I picked myself up and walked in. Looking around I realized it was the infirmary.

'My room should be two more floors up from here on the left at the end of the hall then.'

Making mental note where I can find my room from here I decided to see if I could be of any use.

Walking up to EJ I peered over his shoulder to see what he was doing.

EJ was pushing a needle full of blue liquid into Bloody Painter's arm. Glancing at BP I noticed that his mask was off and he was sleeping. I took in his features before deciding that EJ had everything under control in the shot department. Deciding to ask Dr. Smiley instead I walked over to his station to see if I was needed in any way. He glanced up at me in acknowledgment. Deciding to initiate the conversation I asked if he could use a hand.

Nodding gratefully he sat up and explained what he needed to be done.

"If you can hold LJ's right leg up while I put his cast on that would be much appreciated, love."

Unsurprisingly his leg was as light as a feather. I watched as Dr. Smiley placed the cast on LJ's long black and white striped leg. As payment he allowed me to write whatever I wanted on the unconscious LJ's cast. I smiled cheekily at him as I pulled off the cap of the F/C sharpie and went to work.

After finishing I smiled happily at my masterpiece. I drew a/wrote ( ) on his cast.

I handed the sharpie back to Dr. Smiley and decided to head down to the kitchen for a drank, but not without asking the others (The doctors) if they wanted to come. They all agreed and Nurse Ann led the way to the kitchen. After arriving I made a beeline for the sink and filled a cup with some water before downing it. Placing the cup in the sink I watched the healers do their own thing. Spotting EJ go into the freezer I watched to see what he pulled out. After a few minutes of shuffling his hands emerged with the kidneys of B/F/N I gave him from the battle.

He fixed them the way he liked it before rising his mask above his lips and taking a big bite of them. I stared at him even more intensely as I watched him freeze.

I gazed at him concerned before asking him was he ok. He didn't respond and suddenly fell to the floor convulsing. I let out a terrified yell alerting the whole mansion. Dr. Smiley and Nurse Ann had immediately started to go to EJ's side in a panic trying to prevent him from slamming his skull into the tile floor.

Different footsteps pounded down the stairs ready to see what the commotion was. Nearly everyone was crowding the large kitchen area trying to take a look at the man who was still convulsing on the ground. Among the swarm of creepypasta, a tall figure made his way through the crowd, everyone immediately allowing him through. Static raised over the loud chatter shutting everyone up abruptly.

"Someone explain, now."

It was a statement that expected an answer and quickly. Only one had the bravery to answer the being known as Slenderman, and that person was Nurse Ann.

"EJ started convulsing after he ate a kidney, Sir."

Slenderman nodded but decided to keep on questioning the situation further putting everyone on edge.

"Where did he get the kidney?"

I squirmed uncomfortably raising my hand up meekly. All eyes snapped on me making me feel small under their intense glares.

"I g-gave it to him. T-they where Zalgo's Top Servant's Kidneys, sir."

Deciding not to mention I knew B/F/N out loud. (Only Slenderman knew that since he can read minds.)

Slenderman made his way to me before telling the other proxies to lock me in the dungeon. They quickly made their way to me Hoodie and Masky taking my arms, while Toby grabbed my legs.


He seemed to consider this before saying, "Better safe than sorry."

With that, I was dragged to the basement to be locked up.

What hurts the most was that everybody watched me be hauled off and didn't do a thing. The other proxies didn't even hesitate.

'To think I taught of them as family. What a fool I am.'
I wonder what's going to happen next MWUHAHAHA! Anywaaayyy I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas or whatever you celebrate. I love you guys so much and I wanted to say thank you for over a thousand reads! Like that's insane!!! I know this sounds cliche, but I really didn't expect so many people to read this story. Once again thank you guys so so so so much for your support. I love you guys!😘 Remember to Follow, Vote, and Comment! ~ Fandom

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