Chapter 4 : Headaches & Hospitals

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I realize you aren't able to see the photos I promised but I am trying to get them up. Any Advice? Any tips? Because it's not working. My apologies of getting your hopes up. Hopefully I will be able to add them soon.


Chapter 4 : || Headaches & Hospitals ||

Ravenna's POV

I must of called someone after the ditch incident because I woke up in a bed. I groaned, a large headache bubbling to surface, as I opened my eyes. An annoying beeping sound was present in my sensitive ears. I was looking straight into bright lights. I shielded my eyes with my hand and noticed a long cord attached to my right hand. I tried to sit up but groaned in pain and a large figure trapped the light away from me. I looked up amazed.

"Dalton?" I asked, still in denial. No way I had called Dalton. I don't even recall having his number. He gave me a small sad smile, worry clearly coated his eyes. Wait, what? Dalton. Worried. About me? I rubbed my eyes and stared up at him. Well, I wasn't seeing things.

"Hey, Love Bug." His smile grew the slightest. I grumbled at his annoying nickname for me before taking in his features. His eyes held bags underneath them. He looked tired, like he was deprived of his beauty sleep. His hair was a mess on top his head and he was holding my hand. Wait... I did a double take at our folded hands but he didn't seemed to notice. or care for that matter. he kept staring at me. I was uncomfortable.

"I called you?" I was still clearly confused as I brought my eyebrows together and scrunched up my nose. He tilted his head backwards, motioning to something. I glanced behind him and saw my mother, the devil in flesh, laying in the chair asleep. I pressed the nurse call button and a female nurse came in, a fake smile upon her lips.

"How we doin'?" she questioned as she glanced over my petite figure, looking over the damage I suppose. That made me self-conscience myself and I looked down. My left wrist was mangled and bandage but the blood was clear through the white cloth. I hand an aching feeling in my stomach but I didn't dare look and my left leg was in a boot. I guess never answered the southern women's question because she cleared her throat until our gazes met. "Your car rolled, and laid on its left side until we came. That would explain that there is no serious damage to the right side of your body." I nodded, oblivious to that fact. She had a true concerned look plastered on her unchanging face.

"I could use some more pain meds," I commented after realizing she still wanted a response to her question. "Oh and when she," I nodded towards my mother. "is awake, I want her out." Sadness coated her grey eyes before she nodded and walked out. I didn't dare look at my face either. I tilted my face away, the left side now covered in my hair and found myself looking to Dalton's mid-section. It was too late to look away, that would just make the situation worse than it was. He gave me frown and looked over to my mother.

"Don't pity her, she's the reason I'm here." I waved my arms, in meaning to the hospital. I was taken aback by Dalton's angry expression. His fists balled up and I braced for impact but it never came. I slowly opened my eyes and moaned. I held a hand over my throbbing left eye. Now I definitely had to see myself.

"I'm the reason your here," he spat out in my face and made a disgusted look as he pointed towards himself. I rolled my eyes, at his stupidity.

"Dalton, you are not--" He cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth, which stung and I winced. I must have a cut on my lip. I licked it to double check, sure enough, it stung. He removed his hand slowly as he spoke.

"I was in that on coming car but on top of that, Richard is my dad." He paused to take in my reaction, which I held inside. My features remained mutual but I was beyond pissed in my mind. He continued. "And my father likes you mother--"

I scoffed. "Obviously." I said angrily, which made him wince, the hurt oblivious in his eyes and my eyes softened. I didn't know why I was acting this way around him but I was. And I kinda liked it, this new side of him. I pressed my lips in a thin line, a sign for him to continue.

"And he knew about your... loss," he said hesitantly and once again checked me for a reaction, negative. So he continued. "And he wanted my advice for some dumb reason and I," he sighed, looking away ashamed. I was irritated enough by the fact that the person I loath had a father who tried to take the place of mine.

"You what," I spat out. He was about to respond but I held up my hand. "Oh you, you told him to kiss my mom?" I said sarcastically. I got no response, but Dalton wasn't looking at me anymore. My eyes grew wide and I threaded my hands into his hair, pulling him back to face me. "You told him to, didn't you?" I hissed, pulling his face down to meet mine. Only then did I realize that it looked like I was about to kiss him.

"No, I told him to make a move. He was scared of loosing her and I told him to take the first move into his hands." He said, the guilt clear in his voice. He sounded hoarse and his voice was raspy. He was over exhausted. His lips were not even inches from mine and I was becoming nervous. I glanced from his lips to his eyes. I had a sudden urge to kiss him.

WAIT. My brain screamed no but my heart said 'Oh, why the hell not.'

"Just like I'm about to," he mumbled before his lips crashed down softly against mine. His lips were smooth and soft, his tongue brushing my bottom lip as the kiss deepened. I finally gave in, kissing back and allowed him access, our tongues wrestling for dominance.

Dalton Carters made a move and kissed me.

And I kissed back.

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