Chapter 2 : Looks of Pity

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Ravenna's outfit on the side.

Sophia on the side.

Ravenna on the side.


|| Chapter 2 : Looks of Pity ||

Ravenna's POV

I sigh running a hand through my hair as I glanced around the cafeteria awaiting Sophia's arrival. Not seeing her, I grumble irritatedly from previous events this morning and grab a tray for food, chewing my lip nervously.

As I neared the cash register, I had a deli meat sandwich, a propel kiwi, a brownie, cheddar sun chips and a bag of M&M's on my tray. I eyed the cafeteria for Sophia once more but with no luck, I trudged to our table.

"Hey Ray!" I heard a squeal from behind me and mentally rolled my eyes before putting on a fake smile and waving to the culprit.

"Hey Rachael." I said casually. Damn, did that girl annoy the hell out of me. She was way too happy all the time. How can one person withhold that much self-esteem? I sighed and plopped down in my seat at the end of the table when Sophia arrived with a tray of her own. "There you are," I sighed at the same time she announced "Spill it."

I gave her a weird look before realization hit me and I internally groaned. "Oh this morning.." I trailed off and her blue eyes flickered excitedly.

"Yes this morning!" She screeched and I glanced around the room to make sure no one heard her and gave her a look that said shut-the-fuck-up-and-i'll-tell-you. she nodded and waved her hands in a sense to say 'go on.' I sighed before beginning the dragging story that I've told only one but repeated the scenes in my head many times before.

"I walked into the classroom right as the bell rang and everyone stared at me. I caught Riker's stare and all the others in the room quietly whispered and muttered comments. A few seconds later Ashely Orem's phone rang and her ringtone was 'I Want You Back by Cher Lloyd.' everyone was laughing at the coincidence as I rushed to my seat, I was embarrassed and-" I stopped myself as I watched my best friend laugh. I growled and kicked her shin. She gasped.

"I'm not laughing at you Ray, I'm laughing at Riker. Everyone knows he wants you back after you dumbed him before... and-" this time it was her being cut off by my hand as Riker approached our table. His long hair dragged slightly into his eyelashes as his gaze flickered between me and the rest of the cafeteria.

"Can we talk?" He mumbled. I nodded and quickly escorted myself out of the lunch hall, with Sophia's watchful eye.

I had broke it off with Riker when my dad went to the hospital. I was dragging him down. He was skipping school to come see me and as much as I love his concern, that needed to stop.

I walked silently to my locker, knowing Riker would follow. I was planning to get back with him when my dad got better but....

"Ray," his voice split through my thoughts as my piercing green eyes gazed into his soft hazel ones, much like my mom's. I gazed at him as he fumbled for words.

"I'm not ready," I blurted out and looked as hurt washed over his beautiful eyes before they retained their usually emotionless figure.

"I want to be with you Riker, b-but but he just.. I mean.." It was now my turn to fumble for words. I felt Riker's left hand cup my cheek, the same moment a few tears dropped. His eyes were glazed with worry as I bent my face into the croak of his warm neck.

"shhh, baby, shh." he attempted to comfort me. At that, my sobs only got louder. Riker was great, and I realize now how much I need his care and comfort. He held my face between his hands now and wiped the tears off my warm cheeks.

"He was supposed to get better," I hiccuped and sniffled. The tears stopped flowing now, I hated myself for being so weak. I took in a deep breath as he kissed my cheek.

"I know, he was never meant to pass." He selected his words carefully. I nodded and gazed into his warm eyes. My throat felt tight as I let out a pathetic noise and my cheeks flushed with color. I gave him a soft smile which he quickly returned.

"I'm here for you Ray," he said quietly and cautiously bent in.

His lips were soft and warm against my own chapped ones. The kiss was sweet and I returned it. He tasted like mint and his breathe was hot. I led it on for a minute or two. It wasn't a make out session, it was just soft and slow. It was what I needed and it was perfect.

"I'm here for you." he breathed out quietly as we pulled away. I nodded with a small smile tugging at my petite lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself up. He caught the hint and wrapped his arms around my waist. We stood in that embrace for a few moments before the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch period.

"Text me later," I said and he nodded. He kissed my cheek and fled off to his next class. I walked flushed to 5th period and Sophia ran to my side.

"Talk. NOW." she prodded into my love life, once again. I let out a low chuckle and told her what happened. she let out a few 'awes' here and there but otherwise remained silent. "So are you two back together now?" she questioned the second I stopped talking to take a breath. I rolled my eyes at her eagerness before shrugging.

"Hadn't really come up," I said casually and she stared at me in disbelief before her fiery blue eyes finally calmed down some. she muttered something under her breath I couldn't quite catch. Had to be something on the lines of 'your crazy' or 'your something else' as we walked into class. We sat in the back in our assigned seats.

I chewed my lip in bitter hope.


I begged mentally as I watched the clock. The tardy bell ring and as I was about to jump for joy as the bastard walked in. I glowered out the window. Not a second later I felt hot breath on my neck.

"Miss me?" A deep voice chuckled and I scoffed, elbowing him in the ribcage.

"In your dreams," I muttered flatly, not bothering to look at the asshole. Without much luck, he pulled my face to meet his smirking own.

"More of along the lines of your dreams." I didn't think it was possible, but his smirk grew.

"Don't touch me, Dalton." I hissed pulling his hand off my chin.

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