Chapter 5 : Nickname unavailable

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Chapter 5 : || Nickname unavailable ||


Ravenna's POV

They made me stay in the hospital the rest of that week; until November 7th, friday. There was some huge party that Sophia kept talking about. I'm usually fine with it, but one major issue this time. It was at Vanessa's. No way in hell would she drag me there.

"C'mon Ray!" she whined into the phone. she had been begging me ever since I walked through the door back home. I groaned as she kept jumping onto my bed, while i was trying to rest.

"Leave me alone to recover, Soph." I grumbled, shutting my eyes once more as the bouncing stopped. And then my phone dinged.

"Shit!" I cursed as Sophia got to it before me. she gave me an 'are you kidding me' type of look before she spoke.

"Dalton Carters, really Ray?" she said, looking down at my lock screen once more. A blush almost came onto my cheeks as I thought about the last time I was with him. When she least expected it, I grabbed the phone from her hand. she started to protest but I answered the phone.

"Hey," I said awkwardly. there was some muffled comment in the background and a loud crackle before he responded.

"Hey Ravenna," I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"What was that noise?" I asked, out of mid curiosity. Sophia gave me the look of death. I furrowed my brows confused before a smirk of my own was on my lips. So, she didn't want her name mentioned.

"Ohnothing," his words slurred together the slightest, another snarky comment I couldn't make out and another loud crack, this time a groan of pain came on the end.

"Did you slap someone?" I gasped and shook my head, typical Dalton.

"Yes, yes I did." I could hear the pride thick in his voice. I just plainly rolled my eyes. "Say, are you going to Ness' party?" he questioned. I gaged at her stupid nickname and Sophia smacked my arm. I gave her a death glare of my own as I rubbed the red spot.

"No I'm not," I spit back into the phone, now annoyed. Sophia just rolled her eyes and stood, walking over to go through my closet again.

"We'll see about that!" Sophia shouted so it was clear that Dalton could hear. I sighed.

"Be there sexy!" This time i could hear the remark made by one of his 'buddies' and another smack.

"Listen, Parks. I gotta go. Be there." he said and the line went dead. He did not just give me a cheesy last-name-nick-name thing. ugh.

I mentally choked Sophia as she laid some of her own clothing out on my bed.

"So I was thinking, maybe the blue dress. Oh, and definitely those sliver stilettos! Or-" I cut her off.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I asked her obliviously pointing to the laid out glamor closet on my bed. she just rolled her eyes and walked away with everything, leaving one outfit that she knows i'd never wear; a black mini skirt, a bandeau with a see through crop top.

After about 20 minutes of debating, I decided to go. I had about a half hour left to get ready. I crawled out of bed and decided to leave my hair its natural wavy apparel. After a light touch of make-up, still looking pretty natural, I gave the outfit a try.

When Sophia came to pick me up, I was still staring in horror at my ass: not because it looked too large for my liking, no because it was hardly covered by the mini skirt. Oh boy, this is going to be a long night.

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