To Be A Kid

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I made and own this picture. It's of Reginald in this story, drawn in the reboot style. I gave him so clothes to show the difference, that with Regina as the younger sibling it changes him even if only slightly.

The episode I used in this chapter is S1Ep2 - "Daytrip Of Doom!" from Ducktales 2017. Episodes may be out of order once I get to them and I will be using ideas from the comics too as well as my own original ideas.

Regina remembers the old DuckTales, the older cartoons, she doesn't recall too many newer ones. This includes the reboot. So, she is going in blind mostly unlike in 'Where My Roots Lead'. This makes it fun for me, as I can put her reactions in here better. Most of her reactions is amusement, as she knows she is now living in a cartoon, but still - it's fun!

I have no idea who I am going to pair up Reginald with. So, I will give him moments with people I can set him up with. Although, you better believe that Regina is going to be overprotective of Reginald. Not because of jealousy or anything like that, it is because she knows him and his issues. She doesn't want someone to take advantage of him or play around with him, breaking him even further. So people after Reginald's heart better be prepared.

Reginald will also have his moments where he is overprotective of Regina as well. It goes both ways, just at different levels and reasons that set them off.

Regina is going to be paired up with Louie, that's the endgame pairing for them you could say. Opposites attract, and they can help one another. Regina in no way knows how to be a kid, and Louie is not responsible - they could help each other with Regina getting Louie to be more responsible and work harder, and Louie can show Regina to relax and be more like a kid her age implies. They even have a few similarities. But, I have plans for this pairing and I am going to be taking a different rout in the way I am doing this.

I am just going to say this about the whole thing; Screw Gender Rules! I don't believe in them and I am not ashamed of it.

I want to thank nightmaster000 for helping me out with this pairing as well. I have a ton of ideas for this pairing and I can't wait to make them real.

-Start Chapter-

Regina was startled awake by the sound of childish laughter and the sound of something popping in a rapid pace. Sounding almost like a pellet or dart gun almost. The sound almost made her dive for cover, thinking that the police had found her and her brother. In between asleep and awake messed with her senses, but eventually she woke up enough to realize that it wasn't loud enough to be a gun.

Calming her beating heart, she glanced around, finally recalling where she was.

Glancing around, Regina took in the room. A large room for sure, showing just how much wealth Scrooge really had. A canopy bed, desk, vanity, chairs and stools, it had everything a guest might want in it. There was even a balcony.

It made Regina wish she had that type of money, if only so that she could pack her brother up and leave the country without worries. And without going through the more.....shady channels to get it done for cheaper if she had to do it.

Still doesn't change the fact that if she had to, Regina would have done anything - even morally questionable acts - to get the two of them out of the country, ask for asylum from another world power that can go toe to toe with the USA, or one that doesn't care about the USA.

Hey, if Scrooge didn't take them in, there were other plans that Regina was willing to go through. Not all of them - none of them really - were innocent or on the legal side of things. When she said she would do anything for her brother, she meant anything. If that meant getting her hands dirty, forever stained with not even bleach being able to clean them, then so be it.

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