Declaration Of War

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I made and own the art above. This here is Abaddon Bushroot. He always wears dark colors, usually a full suit, and well as shoes. He also has on a hat/fedora as well.

All in all, he is a tall, dark and very dangerous looking duck, no matter what his age implies.

I had watched the episode of DuckTales - the reboot - where they showed Darkwing for the first time. I'm excited because the creator of the reboot says he has plans, something he always wanted to do, for Darkwing.

I myself have thoughts about what it could be. But, in this story, it is obviously not going like canon in the show as Darkwing is a real hero and the villains are real villains. Yet, I will add in some things from the whole thing. I also like to imagine the villains as their older designs, back from the actual Darkwing cartoon.

Also, there are going to be made up laws in this story - which may be real laws where you are at for all I know. What I am getting at is that this is in a cartoon world, there are going to be some crazy laws that are made up that I am going to be using for this. Just a warning.

-Start Chapter-

Abaddon Azazel Bushroot was many things.

Clever, sly, resourceful, ambitious, hardworking, and ambiguous were just a few things that he was.

But, he is also rude, ruthless, heartless, sarcastic, has little to no morals, and is a big troll among with many more things that could be said to describe him.

Abaddon is stingy with his love, stingy with those he is loyal to and respect. He loves wholly, so he only loves a few. But everyone else could die for all he cares, and he shows this with no regret. Abaddon Azazel Bushroot is many, many things, most of them not good or nice, but there is one thing he is not.

He is in no way stupid

Getting to where he was in life, having as much business as him, both on the right and wrong side of the law took guts as well as smarts. If he was stupid, he would have been a bloody stain on the wall a long time ago, not being able to live to his currant age.

That's why this whole situation burns him in all the worst ways possible.


"Regina?" Abaddon frowned, not having expected such a late call from his only granddaughter. Sitting in his office, doing some paperwork, Abaddon had expected a quiet night.

"Yes, this is me."

"It is late, Regain." Abaddon put down his pen, feeling something wrong. Regina was not a normal child, she would not call unless something was wrong or happening. "You should be in bed."

"I know it is late, but I just wanted to tell you something."

"Oh?" Abaddon raised a brow, interested. His granddaughter is not like other children. So, this could be either interesting or bad. "And what is so important that I need to hear right now instead of waiting to tell me in the morning?"

"What is so important?" Abaddon could hear the smile in her voice. "I just wanted to tell you that I am running away."

"What." Of all the things he expected, this was not one of them.

"You most likely haven't heard yet, living in Night Owl City mainly, but Reginald has been mutated and arrested." Regina bluntly stated this all factually, yet Abaddon could hear something dark in her tone. "I'm tired of all the abuse on him, on me. I'm not a piece of clay to be molded, I am a living, breathing duck that can see how much Mother and Father have been killing my Brother."-

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