Chapter 3

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"Oh, thanks, bye!" Elizabeth took off running without another word. Past the giraffe boulder she went. She didn't stop running until she saw a tall glowing tree.

"Hello? Is. Anyone. There?" She panted.

"Who are you and what do you want?" A voice said.

"I'm Elizabeth! I'm lost and I need directions. Can you help me?"

"Of course I can." Suddenly a fairy appeared, his green wings fluttering impatiently.

"Puck, at your service. Come inside! I hate the rain."

"Sure. Where do you live, in the tree truck?" She snorted dismissively.

Puck rolled his eyes. "Well, duh. I'm not like the tooth fairy or something. Not everyone gets a castle, you know." There was a crack and suddenly they were in a small room.

Elizabeth sat and looked around. "Your house is...small."

"Well, that makes me feel much better. Thank you for rubbing it in, I appreciate your kindness." Puck said sarcastically. "What do you do for a living? Are you like a maid or what?"

Well that was random. Let me ask you, if you see a soaking wet girl with blonde hair and blue eyes just sitting there, do you assume that she's some kind of maid? Hmm. I didn't think so.

"I'm a kid. I don't do anything for a living. But I am a gardener, and I must say, I'm pretty good," She smiled smugly. Some people say that I'm the best gardener in the whole kingdom."

"Really..." Puck wondered. A plan was slowly forming in his head.

"Yes, really."

The Tale of Elizabeth OrangeWhere stories live. Discover now