Chapter 7

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"We are at my garden, a place which stretches on farther than you can imagine and where time does not exist. Here, your task is to invent a fruit that I have never thought of. And if you succeed, then you will get sent back home." Demeter spoke in a monotone, almost like she had given this speech many times before.

"Jeez, how many people have you punished?" Elizabeth asked.

"More than you can count. Well, I don't have all day. Good luck!" She snapped again and disappeared.

So, Elizabeth spent many years in this garden, and I am obviously not going to tell you about them all. But by the time that she finally planted a new fruit, it had taken her 13 years, even though time didn't exist in the garden. Anyway, when her fruit was perfected, the trees that is grew on, and grew so tall that she was able to climb it and over the wall. Elizabeth named it the fruit, Orange, after herself.

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