Chapter 8

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***Luke's POV***

The Ewoks and the rest of the team were having a party. The Ewoks had inducted us into the tribe as honorary members. But I wasn't in the mood. I knew he was here. My father. Darth Vader. He also knew I was here. And was counting on me to come to him. How could I not? This was my chance to redeem him. To bring his past as Anakin Skywalker back to light and erase Darth Vader forever.

Stepping out of the hut, I go the porch outside and lean against the railing. Staring out into the dark forest, the only natural light shining is the moon, piercing the darkness with its soft blue beams. A slight breeze ruffles the trees, creating a soft whispering sound. Somehow, it comforts me.

I hear someone step beside me. Looking over, I see Leia, looking at me with a worried expression.

"Luke, what's the matter? Something's bothering you."

"I'm just...wondering." I reply.

There is a pause. "He's here. Vader. He's here, on this moon. And I must face him. Alone."

"Why?" asks Leia, and I say, "Because he is my father."

She stares at me with an expression of disbelief. "Luke, this is getting complicated. I mean, you have powers I can't explain, and - "

I cut her off mid sentence. "You have those powers too, Leia. The Force runs strong in my family. I have it. My father has it. sister has it."

I stop talking for a minute to let her comprehend what I just said. Her eyes widen in surprise.

"Yes. It's you, Leia."

"I - I - Somehow, I've always known!" She exclaims in surprise.

"Then you know why I must face him. I know there is good in him. I can feel it."

Leia nods, then says, "There's something else on your mind. What is it?"

Sighing, I look down and say, "I'm worried about her. I know she's been rescued - but she isn't  able to wake up. She's still stuck in a deep trance. And the only Jedi Master powerful enough to wake her is gone. I don't know, Leia. I'm scared."

Leia puts a hand on my shoulder. "Luke, I'm fully confident that you could wake her up. You're powerful. And you love her. Love knows no bounds."

Smiling at this, I take Leia's hand in my own. "You're right. I can do this."

Then I take the steps down to the forest floor and start out toward the Imperial base. It takes me a little while, but I finally find it. Kinda hard to miss, too. Huge frickin hunk of metal in the middle of the forest. You'd have to be blind to miss it. ((All I can think about now is Kanan Jarrus XD. Star wars Rebels fans will get it.  ))

But before I go in to surrender myself, I look up at the stars. And I sent out a silent promise to save Elska Caranikel after I finish this.

***Darth Vader's POV***

I'm staring out at the forest when an officer approaches me. He's followed by some stormtroopers...and my son. He's given himself up.

"This is the rebel that surrendered to us. He was armed only with this." the officer says, handing me my son's lightsaber. So he's crafted a new one himself. Interesting.

The officer and his entourage exit, and I'm left facing my son. "So. You've accepted the truth."

"I have accepted the truth that you were once Anakin Skywalker, my father." He replies, stubborn as ever.

'That name no longer has any meaning to me." I say, turning to face the treeline.

"It is the name of your true self; You've only forgotten." Luke says, with steadfast certainty on his part. I admired his persistence.

Turning around to face my son, I activate his lightsaber. "I see you have constructed a new lightsaber. Your skills are complete."

He looks out over the metal railing, then facing me again, he says, "Come with me."

I only say in response, "Obi - Wan once thought as you do. You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my Master."

Luke says, "I will not turn. You'll be forced to kill me." His voice is heavy with truth. "If that is your destiny." I reply.

Luke presses on. "Search your feelings, father. I know you can't do this. I feel the conflict in you. Let go of your hate."

"It is too late for me, my son. The Emperor will show you the true nature of the Force. He is your Master now." I say. Then I signal for some troopers to take him away.

And as he is being led out, he says, "Then my father is truly dead."


0_0. Talk about conflict there.

Starlight - The Third Book in the Starchild SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now