Chapter 2 - They Say No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

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"Ooof!" As a weight hit her chest, Lena's eyes flew open. One arm slapped down colliding with something soft, the other pinned under the rest of whatever had struck her. Panicked, remembering the hand of the goddess reaching out for her, Lena scrambled backward dragging the heaviness along with her. She felt something grip her shoulder as something else put pressure on her legs. Just when the fear was becoming overwhelming, confusion replaced it.

"Mommy!" The voice was young. "Mommy, wake up, it's breakfast time."

A boy, in the three to five range, though Lena was not an expert, climbed up Lena's torso until his face became so close to hers as go out of focus. Shaggy brown hair hung over equally brown eyes, and he gripped her cheeks between his chubby palms. Leaning even closer, he planted a somewhat sloppy kiss on her lips and pushed back, a smile of pure adoration appearing on his face as he beamed down at her.

"Oh, Dear God. What's going on?"

"It's your birthday!" The child responded, his enthusiasm still unbridled. "It's time for birthday pancakes! Come on. Come on. Get up!" Sliding off of Lena revealed he was actually fairly slender and wearing tan footy Pajamas with puppy dog faces all over them. The boy took Lena's hand in an attempt to lead the less than eager CEO from the bed, but she wasn't coming easily. Instead, she sat up, allowing her eyes to explore the room.

The bedroom was large, but it wasn't the one in her penthouse. The furniture here was a light oak, the walls a silvery gray. Light streamed through the wall to ceiling sliders that opened to a balcony. She slid her fingers across the soft duvet cover which was totally unfamiliar, but the rest of the room nagged at her. Though the furnishings seemed out, it still felt like part of her.

Finally, giving into the child's urgings, Lena climbed out of bed and turned a bit as she took a few steps through the room. Whatever had been tickling at the back of her mind became more solid. "Wait, we're in National City. This is my home, house, in National City, isn't it?" She looked down for confirmation at the boy who only looked up at her, seemingly confused at the question.

"Did you have a nightmare, Mommy?" He asked.

"Definitely," she replied.

Wrapping his arms around her legs, he rested his head against her waist and said, "It's all right, Mommy. I've got you."

The gesture was sweet and oddly comforting, and Lena reached down stroking the little boy's hair. "Thank you."

"Do you feel better?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Actually, I do."

"Good. Birthday pancake time."

"Birthday pancakes?" Lena shook her head, allowing herself to be led by the hand but pausing when she caught sight of her reflection. Though she wasn't old by any means, she was older. One hand pressed against the dresser top, she leaned closer to the mirror. Laugh lines touched the outside of her mouth and the corners of her eyes. The words crow's feet weren't accurate, definitely laugh lines and she smiled, showing she was right. "Good Lord. How old am I?"


Jerking her head back, she looked down at the child. "Thirty-five?"

He nodded.

"Thirty-five," she repeated. Looking into the mirror again, her smile returned. She stood upright, turning to examine herself more fully. Her nightie was dark green and hung to about knee-length. It was a bit more modest than anything she usually wore but still expensive and flattering. She was still toned, and her ass looked good. Pressing her hand to her stomach showed it was mostly flat and firm. "Huh, and you've had a child. Well, good for you. Not bad for thirty-five, Lena. I wonder how much help you've had."

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