[NU'EST: Hello] Seungkwan

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"Hello?" He says, thinking that you have already picked up his call, only to receive another set of rings coming from the phone. He sighs.

This is the third time he has tried ringing you and you still haven't answered him. With disappointment, he decides to just send you a voice message. After tapping a few things on his phone, he places it back on his ear and he starts to speak.

"Hello, (Y/N). It's me. Why aren't you answering my calls? I hope you're eating well." He pauses as he tries to think of what to say next. "Are you doing fine there? I'm getting really worried. And, if you could tell me what you're doing now, that would be great." His voice didn't sound enthusiastic at all and one could tell he was having a difficult time.

"Anyways, please call me back. And, when I call again... I'm expecting you to answer it. I'll try if I can go visit you in Jeju. Right now, the group is really busy. But... I really need to see you, (Y/N)."

🎶 Hello? Did you eat? Where are you, what are you doing? Because I'm worried about you. Tell me baby where you at, hello? Call me baby I'll be there. Wherever you are I'll be there, hello? Pick up the phone girl, cause I gotta be there. 🎶 

He ends the message with a quick press
of a finger at the bottom of the screen. After, he slips his phone into his back pocket as he lets out a heavy breath. So many thoughts starts running through his mind. There are so many situations that you may currently be in right now. He starts to walk back to the practice room, purposely slowing down his steps.

Maybe you're stuck in traffic so you don't have time to check your phone. Or maybe... no, you wouldn't do that. He shakes his head as he dismisses the thought. You most probably just forgot to charge your phone. Yeah, that's the most likely situation.

He chuckles sadly to himself. "And here I am thinking of something else. How stupid can I be?" He mutters under his breath as he pushes open the door of the practice room.

🎶 Is there traffic? You're running late because of your impatient heart. I guess you forgot your battery, I thought something else. 🎶 

Once he enters the room, the first pair of eyes to land on him were the ones owned by the leader, who is sitting on a comfy looking chair in the corner of the room. It almost seems as if Seungcheol was waiting for him to come back. Their eyes meet and before Seungkwan can return back to practicing with the others, his voice calls out to him, "Seungkwan. Come here. Let's talk."

The other members turn their heads at the surprised boy, their eyes filled with curiosity. Seungkwan looks at the older male as he tries to read his face, but he ends up with absolutely nothing. Slowly he approaches Seungcheol as the others gradually went back to continue their work.

The leader stands up from his seat and looks at the shorter male with a serious expression. "Go see her."


"I've been observing you recently, Seungkwan. You're not quite the same. And I'm sure it's because of her, right?"

All Seungkwan can do is look down, avoiding the eyes of the person he always looks up to. "It's okay," he hears him say and with a small glance, he sees the smile that Seungcheol is wearing on his lips. "I'm sure you really miss her."

"Pack your things tonight. You're leaving tomorrow. I already have your train ticket all ready. Just make sure to come back after two days, okay? After all, Seventeen is not complete without you."

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