[Love&Letter: Love Letter] Wonwoo

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The songs of the morning birds sounded in the air as bright sunlight peered through the thin curtains. He forced his eyes open, grabbing his phone from his bedside table and sliding his finger on the screen causing the singing of the animals to stop. He sighed, remembering that he had set his alarm earlier last night so that he could make that damn letter.

Pushing himself up from the bed, he stands up, lazily combing his fingers through his dark brown hair. With a yawn, he sets himself down at his desk, hesitantly taking the piece of fancy paper and pen he prepared last night. Clicking the top of the instrument multiple times, he thought of what he should write down as he rubbed his face with his hand sleepily.

As if a light bulb lit inside him, he stretched his arms a little then started writing on the paper. As the words formed roughly on the parchment, his hand came to a halt and his brows furrowed. Damnit. Why is his handwriting so ugly?

Quickly, he crumpled up the paper and threw it into his trash bin. He hurriedly fumbled in his drawer for a new sheet of paper, almost spilling the contents because of his early morning clumsiness. And then he started again, writing down his words slowly, as neatly as he possibly could.

But, to him it still looked terrible. Should he just print it? Well for one, he doesn't have a printer so he'd have to go to the store down the street. Which, he was sure, would be an embarrassing situation. Secondly, writing it is more meaningful and using a machine would just mean that he was lazy and didn't put much effort into it.

He lets out a groan of frustration. Right early in the morning and he is already in the middle of a crisis. Sighing, he continued writing his letter, hoping for the best that you wouldn't be disappointed even if his handwriting was all crooked and squiggly. As he wrote, he hoped that when you receive this letter, you would let it go if his writing was cheesy and too weird.

  🎶 Starting early in the morning, I awkwardly umm, take out a pen and a paper and write down the words I had deeply swallowed. I'm sorry my handwriting isn't pretty uh. Please don't be disappointed. Please let it go if I suck. 🎶

He leans back on his chair after a couple minutes, thinking what else he needs to put in the letter. He really wants to put the story of you and him in here. Everything about the two of you. All the things that you both did. And how you both came to know each other. Well actually... that won't really be possible.

  🎶 On this letter, I want to write down our story. Every little thing about you and me. 🎶   

He continues to write down his thoughts as he feels the wind slipping through his open window giving off a fresh scent of the morning. His hands move fluidly but carefully on the paper, trying his best to write down everything on this love letter he is making.

A few minutes passed, and he was finally finished. He stared at what he had just written, a bit conscious about the different spaces in between the words that were too big and too small. A thought of redoing it once more crossed his mind. He quickly glanced at his phone, turning it on to check the time. His eyes widened seeing that he only had half an hour to get ready and go to school.

Getting rid of the idea of writing the letter on another paper, he scrambled out of his chair and ran to his closet, grabbing his uniform and dashing into the bathroom to take a shower. He quickly stripped and before he knew it, he felt the cold water fall upon him. After a while of scrubbing and rinsing, he stepped out and dried himself with a large towel. He slipped on his clothes as he brushed his teeth, then running back into his room after.

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