9. Shady

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I didn't sleep that night

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I didn't sleep that night. I just buried myself deeper beneath my thick blankets as my eyes just stared at the poles that held Jesse's bed up.

I couldn't help but wonder as to why he was so unbothered by what happened.

What I did was so embarrassingly gross.

My eyes didn't even bother to move as the boys around me started waking up, some even leaving the cabin.

Benny's curious voice appeared as I quickly looked at him. "What did y'all do last night?" He asked amused, quickly sitting on the side of my bed as he adjusted his bright yellow turtle neck.

I threw Benny a cautious look, making him speak again. "He ain't up there." He rolled his eyes.

"Really?" I asked, pushing his bed in to see if it would lightly rise up, which it did. "That's weird. I don't remember seeing him leave."

"Oh no don't change the subject!" Benny's hand gently landed on my body. "What did y'all do last night?"

I closed my eyes as the thought of me nose bleeding swept over my mind. "Long story short, we kissed by the lake." Benny quickly interrupted me.

"Shut up, y'all didn't! Oh my god!" He threw himself back as he gasped, ending with a loud booming cackle that made some of the boys in the cabin throw him confused looks. "Oh sweet baby Jesus I'm about to pass out!" He flailed his hands around like a chicken.

I couldn't help but laugh as I watched Benny completely go crazy, putting my arm underneath my head with a small smile. "Sounds like it was perfect but it really wasn't."

"What do you mean?" Benny snapped his head back, raising his eyebrows at me.

"My nose bled as we kissed." My voice came out soft as his mouth fell to the floor.

"Micah don't play with me." His disturbed face being covered with his hand, making me close my eyes as I nodded. "Oh honey." Benny sighed. "But before your nose bled, was the kiss good at least?"

My cheeks began to burn as I looked down, unconsciously brushing my lips with a finger as if Jesse's lips left an imprint on me. "Yea I guess so."

Benny threw me a proud smile as if he was a mom watching her baby take their first steps, but all of a sudden it faltered. "Micah can I tell you something?"

"Yea sure, what is it?" I spoke low, his deep brown eyes piercing mine seriously.

"Although I do love a good ship, trust me, I wouldn't suggest dating him." Benny let out as I was slightly taken a back from his words.

I slowly got up from my bed as I leaned back against its headboard, not breaking eye contact with Benny. "Not that I was planning to date him in the first place, but can I ask why?"

He slowly nodded his head as he pursed his lips. "His ex boyfriend, period." Benny looked away, his tone shifted to a more serious tone I had never heard come from him till now.

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